Tentera Darat

Army Chief Visits Turkish Manufacturers

SHAH ALAM: Army chief General TS Hafizudeain Jantan visited two Turkish armoured vehicles manufacturers during a tour of the country this week. He visited Turkey for the SEDEC conference fair. The manufacturers he visited were Nurol Makina and FNSS Savunma. Both companies had supplied armoured vehicles to the Army, Nurol […]

Defence Contract

The Merrier, HMAV and HMLTV, Part 2

SHAH ALAM: Earlier this year, Army chief General Hafizuddeain Jantan announced that the main procurement programme for this year will be the High Mobility Armoured Vehicle (HMAV) and the High Mobility Light Tactical Vehicle (HMLTV). During the interview at DSA 2024, Hafizuddeain expounded further on the procurement of both vehicles. […]

Defence Contract

SLEP For Adnan Green Lighted

SHAH ALAM: The government has finally greenlighted the Service Life Extension Programme for its fleet of ACV Adnan 300 vehicles. The Army had proposed the SLEP for both the Adnan and MIFV fleet during this RMK but it appears only the former has been funded. The confirmation of the Adnan […]

Defence Contract

MIFV Upgrade On?

SHAH ALAM: MIFV upgrade on? It appears that the MIFV upgrade – some 100 plus units – is expected to take off soon. As reported previously the MIFV upgrade was expected to take place either concurrently or after the same programme for the Adnan. An inkling that the MIFV upgrade […]

Defence Contract

Coming Home, UpDated

SHAH ALAM: Coming home. Back in September, 2020, I wrote about some tenders for munitions/explosives being sought by the Army. The items being sought were 120mm rifled mortar rounds, bangalore torpedoes and plastic explosives. What I did not know was that the tender for the 120mm mortar rounds was subsequently […]

Defence Contract

Turkish Delights Part 4

SHAH ALAM: Turkish delights. As the Army waits for the government to pony up the funds for the life extension programme for its Adnan and MIFV fleet, the Turkish government has announced that it was doing the same thing for its Turkish built M113 variants. According to state owned Anadolu […]

Defence Contract

Locally Developed Weapons

SHAH ALAM: Locally developed weapons. The Science & Technology Research Institute For Defence (STRIDE) is collaborating with the armed forces and the National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM) to develop a 12.7mm sniper rifle and a 120mm mortar. Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu told Parliament today said both weapons were still […]

Malaysian Army

Adnan And MIFV Upgrade In RMK12

SHAH ALAM: Adnan and MIFV Upgrade In RMK12. It appears that the Army proposal to upgrade its Kenderaan Jenis A (KJA-Type A Vehicles – armoured) – the Adnan and MIFV – have been approved and will be funded in the next RMK, starting in 2021. One aim of the upgrade […]

Malaysian Army

Mortar Gempita In The Wild

SHAH ALAM: Mortar Gempita in the Wild. The mortar variant of the Gempita or IFV Mortar Carrier – has been shown in public – via the Facebook page of the 12th RMR (Mechanised), of course. The Gempita Mortar carrier attached with the 19 RMR (Mechanised) took part in a live […]


Investigations Into Gempita and Adnan Deals

SHAH ALAM: Investigations into Gempita and Adnan deals. Two company officials have been remanded by the Anti Corruption Commission in connection into investigations into the supply of equipment destined for military vehicles. From the Star. PUTRAJAYA: Graft investigators are to question more people in a further probe into alleged bribery […]