Defence Contract

Lets Not Forget About the Mark V SOC

SHAH ALAM: It appears that the deal to purchase the whole fleet of F/A-18 Hornets from Kuwait may well be a reality going by the latest report. Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin met with the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Malaysia Rashed Mohamed Rashed AlSaleh at the Defence Ministry today. Among the […]


Former HMAS Anzac Not Suitable for RMN

SHAH ALAM: The Defence Ministry has found that the former HMAS Anzac of the Royal Australian Navy is not suitable for RMN even as an interim vessel. Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin told Parliament today that they were looking at retired or soon to be retired naval vessels to serve […]

Defence Contract

Its Desa Kencana at Lahad Datu

SHAH ALAM: Work at the new camp at Felda Sahabat at Lahad Datu has started but its long way to be finished. Pictures of the new camp site showed that the earth work – levelling the site and likely drainage has been completed but work on buildings has not started […]

Defence Contract

Its the Ada Class, Which One?

SHAH ALAM: Its now confirmed, the LMS Batch II will be an Ada class corvette. Though which variant is selected and the equipment fit is currently being determined. Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin in a written reply to a question in Parliament on March 13 stated that the government had […]

Kementerian Pertahanan

Mid Term Review of DWP 19

SHAH ALAM: The Defence Ministry today officially launched the mid-term review of the 2019 Defence White Paper. The ministry has also put up a link for the public to give their views for the mid-term review. The link for the public comments is here One can send in as many […]


LTAT left Leaderless, Updated.

SHAH ALAM: Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT) – the Armed Forces Fund Board – is left leaderless after its chairman TS Raja Mohamed Affandi Raja Mohamed retired yesterday. LTAT issued a statement that he had retired. His retirement came a week after the resignation of the CEO Ahmad Nazim Abd […]

Kementerian Pertahanan

New Defence Minister 2023

SHAH ALAM: Kota Tinggi MP and former Higher Education Minister, DS Khaled Nordin, 65, has been appointed as the 21st Defence Minister today (December 12 2023). He replaces DSU Mohamad Hasan, the Rembau MP who is now the Foreign Minister, part of the reshuffle of the PMX Cabinet. Mohamad was […]

Defence Contract

First LCS To Be Ready by August 2024

SHAH ALAML Earlier this week, Defence Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan told Parliament that the first LCS – PCU Maharaja Lela – will be delayed by a few months due to the ongoing process of nationalisation of the builder, Boustead Naval Shipyards (BNS). His deputy – Adly Zahari – on Thursday […]

Public Accounts Committee

PAC Report on LCS October 9 2023

SHAH ALAM: The Public Accounts Committee has made public its report on the LCS today which covers the period from October 2022 to May 2023. The report did not reveal anything much of about the project apart from confirming in a roundabout way that the LCS cost will go higher […]

Joint Force Headquarters

Malbatt Disposing Retired B-Class Vehicles

SHAH ALAM: The Malaysian unit in UNIFIL – Malbatt 10 – is disposing of its B-class (unarmoured) vehicles which were retired following the acceptance of new ones. The disposal of the Land Rover FFR vehicles and five-tonne trucks were conducted by the element workshop of the unit and Lebanese contractors. […]