
LIMA 2021 Canceled

SHAH ALAM: LIMA 2021 canceled. Its official, LIMA 2021 has been canceled. The Defence Ministry issued a statement today confirming the cancellation of LIMA 2021 scheduled for 16 to 21 March, 2021. The release said the decision to cancel the event was made by the Cabinet at its meeting on […]

defence Industry

New Leadership at Deftech

SHAH ALAM: New leadership at Deftech. Malaysia’s biggest land defence firm, DRB-HICOM Defence Technologies Sdn Bhd (Deftech) has a new chief executive, it was made public early this month. I cannot find any announcement of the appointment apart from the fact that the company’s website had been updated with a […]

Malaysian Defence

New PAT in The New Year

SHAH ALAM: New PAT in the new year. RMAF chief Gen Affendi Buang has been promoted as the 21st Chief of Defence Force today , replacing Gen Zulkifli Zainal Abidin, who is retiring. Affendi is the first Sarawakian to achieve the highest position in the national security sector since Merdeka. […]

Defence Contract

Keris Delivered

SHAH ALAM: Keris delivered. The RMN took physical delivery of the first of class Littoral Mission Ship (LMS), Keris, today. This must be the fastest ship delivered to the navy with commissioning expecting early next year. Keris was launched in April, this year, some two years after the contract was […]

Malaysia -Defence Ministry

Turkish Delights

SHAH ALAM: Turkish Delights. A number of MOUs are expected to be signed on the sidelines of the KL Summit starting this Wednesday. As you are probably aware Turkish President Recep Erdogan are among the leaders scheduled to attend the KL Summit. Others include Iran President Hassan Rouhani and Qatar […]

Defence White Paper

Defence White Paper, Why

SHAH ALAM: Defence white paper. Since the Defence Ministry announced that it was formulating a White Paper, last year, the minister, deputy and officials have try to explain the reasons for it. The ministry has even come up with a graphic to explain itself. Despite this, I believed, the ministry […]

Malaysian Defence

Going Over the Top

SHAH ALAM: Going over the top. As we wait for the Defence Minister designate to be sworn in and make his first sortie to Jalan Padang Tembak, it is time for us discuss what ails the defence and national security sector. Two Kedah class, KD Kelantan (175) and KD Selangor […]

Defence Contract

Mindef Explains EC725 Deal

KUALA LUMPUR: Posted below is the Mindef explaination whether it had followed procedures in choosing the Cougar for the Nuri Replacement Programme. Sorry, for putting it up late, I am a walking wounded… All Rules Were Observed In Acquiring Eurocopter EC725, Says Ministry KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 17 (Bernama) — The […]