New Pack for the Army?

Things on the pallet are the equipment that needed to be carried in a soldiers pack.

SHAH ALAM: New Pack for the Army. It appears that the Army may replace its 2000 digital camo pack as it is already conducting a viability study on the equipment. I have no idea when the digital pack pattern was introduced but it is likely around 2013-2014 period after the Army introduced its new digital camo.

9 RAMD with the 2000 digital pack and their other personal equipment. Note the pack is almost overwhelmed by the amount equipment packed into it.

According to the BTDM Online, the Army recently conducted a feasibility study of the 2000 digital camo pack. Ten officers and 65 soldiers from four battalions were involved in the study – 9 RAMD (PARA), 14 RAMD (Mek), 15 RAMD and 5 Rejimen Sempadan – at the para unit camp on Jan. 19. 2018.

A fully loaded 2000 digital pack being shown to the evaluators.

The study is to determine whether the 2000 Digital pack is capable of supporting carry and combat load and whether it needs to be enhanced or replaced.

A 9 RAMD signaler with the packs he need to carry while on the field. It is not explained whether he also used the Milkor grenade launcher and also shotgun shown in the pallet.

From BTDM online FB post

Kajian Kesesuaian Pack Pattern 2000 Digital

MELAKA: Seramai 10 pegawai dan 65 anggota Lain-Lain Pangkat (LLP) terdiri dari Batalion Kesembilan Rejimen Askar Melayu Diraja Para (9 RAMD Para), 14 RAMD (Mek), 15 RAMD dan 5 Rejimen Sempadan terlibat dengan kajian kesesuaian Main Pack Pattern 2000 digital bagi penambahbaikan spesifikasi sedia ada yang di Padang Kawad 9 RAMD (Para) pada 19 Jan 2018.

Kajian kesesuaian main pack ini merangkumi dua peringkat iaitu taklimat dan juga pemeriksaan secara fizikal main pack pattern 2000 digital.

Tujuannya adalah untuk menguji, menilai dan mengkaji kesesuaian Main Pack Pattern 2000 Digital bagi menampung carrying load dan combat load serta mengenal pasti sama ada main pack yang sedang dalam perkhidmatan sesuai digunakan ataupun perlu dibuat penambahbaikan.

Pelaksanaan kajian ini telah dihadiri oleh Timbalan Pengarah Infantri, Kol Shamshor Hj Jaafar, PS 1 Teknikal dan PS 2 Infra Infantri dan turut dihadiri Panglima 10 Bgd (Para), Pegawai Memerintah 9 RAMD (Para), Peg Pem Kom Btn (Para) dan Peg Pem Kom PANDURA (Para).

Oleh: Mej Zahari Affandi Hj Mat Nor
Gambar: Sjn Shahrul Nizam

– Markas Briged Ke-10 Infantri Malaysia Para

The evaluation team looking another pack with the old one that was replaced by the 2000 digital pack.

The posting and pictures elicited a number of comments most likely by serving soldiers of their own experience and the pack’s field performance. Basically they stated that the 2000 digital camo pack was too small, fragile and a pain to carry on long marchers. Basically a POS.

The equipment carried by a signaler in the Army.

Some of the posters said the Army should have gotten feedback from its soldiers when designing rucksacks and other field equipment.

Things on the pallet are the equipment that needed to be carried in a soldiers pack.

The failure in engaging soldiers, resulted in bad products which are generally hated by them and a waste of money. Note the photographs used in the BTDM Online did not carrry any caption or descriptions, as such I had added my own captions for them in this post.

8 RRD troopers inside a RMAF Hercules waiting for their jump. Note the rucksack on the knees.

What is interesting that another BTDM post dateline yesterday showed 8 RRD (Para) – 9 RAMD sister battalion in 10th Para Brigade – on a training jump using the old rucksack (above). I am guessing the 10th Para units only used the 2000 digital pack for non-jump operations.

* edited to add the 8 RRD pictures.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2373 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Im wondering did the army ask for a orthopaedic professionals advice regarding this issue.

    If the bag weight too heavy it may damage the spinal/ lumbar of the personnel, its not easy/cheap to repair them.if they are injured,how can they work properly.

    Maybe authority can find an opinion from health professionals to consider wheeled bag with suitable design. Just my personal opinion though

  2. almari,

    The best method is to put heavy stuff on top so the weight rests on the shoulder not the back.

    But yes, no harm in consulting ”bone” doctors and even getting the opinion [should have been done ages ago] of those who actually have to use the stuff.


    It’s interesting but 20 years after Bosnia Gerak Khas and 10 Para are still seen with PLCE DPM packs/bergens that were originally bought for Bosnia. Either we still have some unused in storage or we bought some alonglong the years. One of the packs we’re using, the one in ‘harimau belang’ pattern but fitted with ‘digital’ covers appears to be a copy of the PLCE. The one in ‘brushstroke’ we used in the 70’s up to the 90’s was a copy of the U.S. ALICE.

    I guess we like most countries don’t bother to design its own pack and just copy what’s in the market. Of course by producing it locally without license to reduce costs further we end up using cheaper materials as well as wrong production techniques

  3. Great to see that our army is reacting to operational concerns and lesson learnt. They are doing something to improve the soldiers comfort in the field.

    For reference, what our neighbours in the south are doing
    From this picture, i can see RPG-7, GMPG, shotguns. I see the shotguns regularly on PARA exercises. Are they planning and practicing for deployments that will have urban settings? Good IMO as something like Marawi will be the the possible setting for future deployments. But what kind of equipments at section level would be good to have for something like that? Semi auto shotguns? Mini UAVs?

    Interestingly there is a woolen jumper there. And the amount of magazines, is that just in the backpack or including those in the webbing?

    You must try not to add links to your comments as my spam bot will surely get over active. As I mentioned I have not much information on the thing posted by BTDM Online as itself did not post such information

  4. That red beret really stand out from the rest of outfit. The army should also consider using digital camouflage​ beret. I know the soldiers would probably​ wear protective helmet when on training but at least make the beret the same pattern as the rest of outfit.

    Just my thought.

    No they won’t change the red beret, it was awarded after going through one of the most grueling selection process in the Army apart from the one for the Special Forces.
    That’s also why Paskal nowdays stood out from the rest of the navy with their distinctive camp and their red-purple beret

  5. … – ”they are doing something to improve the soldiers comfort ”

    The problem is that what gets ordered isn’t always what should be ordered. For a start, we should ensure that all uniforms are of the same quality, rather than issuing better quality ones to senior officers.

    … – ‘a woolen jumper”.

    Woolen jumpers have been issued since the 1960’s [we got the idea from the British ”woolly pully”] and is on issue to units. Can get cold at night, especially in the jungle.

    … – ” But what kind of equipments at section level would be good”

    Equipment that is essential for FIBUA/MOUT is the kind not normally standard issue to most units : sledgehammers, megaphones, ladders, ropes, etc. All these are essential. At times even maps in the right scale in the right quantities can be an issue. As for weapons, lots of grenades and explosives [to amongst other things] blast holes in walls. The ability to resupply units is also essential as in such scenarious ammo useage rate is very high. Mini UAS are always needed for artillery/mortar spotting and to pride up to date aerial pics] and it’s ironic that non state actors in Iraq and Syria using commercially obtained UAS have such an ability and our army doesn’t.

    At the end of the day, we have most of the hardware needed for FIBUA/MOUT – from IFVs with high angle auto cannons to shoulder fired weapons to LMGs. What we need is a doctrine and for units to have regular and realistic FIBUA/MOUT training on a regular basis.

  6. Meh,

    Doing away with the red beret would be akin to doing away with 10 Para’s core identity, based on the Brit army’s Para Regiment. It’s sacrosanct. It’s meant to make its wearer stand out from the rest. There’s an interesting story behind how the red beret got selected by the Brits. It seems the wife of the CO of 1st Airborne Division was asked to choose a colour and she choose red.

  7. Back to the packs.

    This is the US army study

    US army study for paratroopers

    On the study. One thing is to get all the feedback on current backpacks. Another thing to do is to buy all the latest backpacks for benchmarking. Give them out to soldiers and get their feedback on those backpacks. Then we can see what specific design and innovations would be applicable to malaysian soldiers. This would also eliminate stand alone R&D to design something that is already available out there. Saving resources to R&D really new things.

    Some backpacks that can be benchmarked:
    – mystery ranch SPEAR (latest USSOCOM special forces backpack)
    – mystery ranch ATM (uk forces)
    – Arc’teryx ILBE (us marines)
    – mattbock MR dry 6500 (dry bag)
    – karrimor sf odin (denmark army)
    – Catoma Switchblade
    – Ortlieb Elevation Pro 2
    – Varusteleka Särmä TST RP80
    – ADA one-99 frame/SCE pack (australia)
    – Platatac SR Jungle ALICE Pack
    – deuter alpine guide
    – granite gear 338 jungle pack
    – stone glacier R3
    – Warrior Assault Systems X300
    – Huron Tactical 120L Assaulter
    – LBT comms pack (special for radios)
    – DUI E&R Waterproof (great for PASKAL

  8. off topic again…

    does it affect our defence purchases from eu country
    if we go “trade war” with them in…

    No idea what’s the government plan to do with this but my guess maintenance and support will not be affected. I am not sure about new contracts though those already announced are likely to go ahead.

  9. Also off topic..

    What is the utility of a beret? Provides no shade, and no extra comfort. Have you seen those cops squinting so hard during mid day roadblocks? Now you realize why they rarely exist anywhere there is no shade.

    Perhaps there is a better way to show off the pride. Although, most know that if you are good, you don’t need to show off anyways. Others will notice.

  10. Cheekucai:

    Amboi… hang pikir dulu tak sebelum cakap? Do you really think these guys wear their berets when they go to war? Nak mampus ke jadi target sniper kalau dari 1 km lagi dah nampak kelibat beret tu? This is the same as saying why bother wearing the flag of Malaysia kat uniform, or better still, why bother for the armed forces to carry Jalur Gemilang anywhere on their planes, ships, IFVs etc. Pakai akal dulu sebelum keluarkan pendapat bro..

    Maybe rather than just reading and contributing on the forum here, why not join in the army or at least the Reserves. Get to know the pride and the historical reasons why certain things are done the way they are. History can teach you a lot.

    Does that mean that the SAS regiment is wasting time for continuing to wear their Green Berets? Or the maroon berets are consigned to the junk bin?

  11. @ cheekuchai

    You could also question the utility of the songkok, or the BOMBA camouflage (what to blend in with the fire?), TUDM blue smurf camouflage (to hide amongst the clouds?) and others.

  12. Well. In the jungle we dont wear beret n neither do we wear helmet. Its just not comfortable n practical. We wear the standard issue jungle hat.
    The beret is there as an indentification of the branch of service the men are from. Like the green beret is for the special service regiment. The red beret for our para n quick reaction force.the Rangers have their blue berets like all infantry but with a black heckle
    Its a matter of pride. Just like the Red, Green n of course the sand colour beret of the SAS

  13. @ Alex I

    SAS regiments wear beige/tan/sandy brown beret. They were forced to wear maroon beret after WWII as part of the parachute formation of the UK army but in 1956 they officially adopted the tan beige beret as an attempt to match the original sand coloured beret they wore during WWII

  14. I believe its about time we start making our own packs instead of relying from other countries. 1, the cost is damn high and 2, much more freedom in experimenting and designing ones that are of actual use.

    Am not just talking about long range packs, but assault pack, fast pack, etc…

    Hoping to see more growth in this sector. Kinda sad to see that we always have to rely on others when it comes to the tools that we use and clothes that we wear..

  15. Steve – “I believe its about time we start making our own packs instead of relying from other countries”

    We started off making bergens/packs that were based on the ALICE design; in the 1990’s we came up with new designs. It’s still common to see certain units use the PLCE bergen; we first got them for Bosnia. Those are made to last – they come with a removable metal frame (unlike the ALICE) and are made of cordura (strengthened nylon).

    Coming up with locally produced bergens/packs is sound but they have to be of the right design and quality; pricing is a major consideration.

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