Adnan Upgrades and FNSS Briefing

An Adnan 81mm mortar carrier with 12.7mm HMG.

SHAH ALAM: Adnan upgrades and FNSS briefing. Back in 2020, Malaysian Defence reported on the modernization of the FNSS ACV300 funded by the Turkish government. As the Army was also mulling over the life extension programme for its Adnan (ACV300) fleet, I suggested that we tagged along with the Turkish one.

It appears that FNSS was also hoping on the same thing. On January 4, the Army led by its chief General Zamrose Mohd Zain conducted an online briefing on the modernization of the Adnan together with FNSS officials and Army personnel which operated and maintained the vehicles. The title of the Facebook post is however misleading as it sounds like the webinar involved other M113-derivatives in the Asean region (it did not).

The participants of the webinar. Army

From the Army Facebook page:

KUALA LUMPUR, 4 Januari 2022 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Zamrose bin Mohd Zain mempengerusikan Webinar–Modenisasi Kenderaan Perisai ACV 300 ADNAN yang diadakan secara atas talian bertempat di Pusat Operasi Tentera Darat (POTD), Wisma Pertahanan, pada hari ini.
Tujuan webinar ini diadakan adalah untuk berkongsi pengetahuan mengenai teknologi dan kaedah program modeniasi khususnya bagi Kenderaan Perisai ACV 300 ADNAN, sistem persenjataan generasi baru dan teknologi kenderaan darat tanpa pemandu (UGV). Sesi perbincangan juga merangkumi perbincangan usaha-usaha untuk mempromosikan pameran DSA & NATSEC Asia 2022 yang akan diadakan pada 28 hingga 31 Mac 2022 nanti.
Turut hadir Timbalan Panglima Tentera Darat, Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Pahlawan Mohammad bin Ab Rahman, pegawai-pegawai kanan Tentera Darat Malaysia dan wakil dari DSA, Puan Normah Abu serta wakil dari Syarikat FNSS, Mr Tolga Sipahi.
Sesi perbincangan pertahanan sebegini adalah sejajar dengan Tonggak Keempat Perintah Ulung Panglima Tentera Darat Ke-28 iaitu, “Pengukuhan Hubungan Pertahanan” di mana ia menumpukan kepada aspek pengukuhan kerjasama pertahanan di peringkat serantau dan antarabangsa.

Army chief General Zamrose Mohd Zain chairing the webinar. Army

What is interesting was that there was no local defence industry involvement apart from the DSA Exhibition people which is organizing DSA 2022 exhibition, scheduled this March 28. Interestingly, I have been told funding for the Adnan SLEP was only expected next year. And I am guessing that the Army will do it themselves just like the MIFV ones which means it will be a limited upgrades, really

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2352 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. My hunch is that it will probably involve replacing no longer supportable items; overhaul of the engine and gearbox; replacing of the electrics and other things. It will probably not involve steps to slightly uparmour the Adnan; whether with slate armour or other things.

    One things for sure; we should not buy anymore Adnans but start looking at a more networked and digitised IFV; one also much better protected to deal with the various new threats it’s likely to face. What the Israelis have done with their M-113 technology demonstrator [unmanned turret with the crew having a full 360 degrees coverage]; as well as other conceptual studies being done; is indicative of how things are rapidly evolving. Closer to home what the Sings have done with Hunter is exactly what’s needed in this day and age; a more survivable and networked IFV.

  2. DEFTECH, in relations to DRB-Hicom, lost TDM patronage? Or perhaps TDM has no confidence in view of those AV8s still pending for delivery after so many delays?

    Anyhow, if limited upgrades were to happen, better to focus on powertrain (engine + gearbox) replacement first, then suspension & tracks, those others like radios can be upgraded incrementally, but for new gear like RWS it would require additional power supply & wiring so perhaps a total rewiring is better in the long run but cost for that can be an issue.

  3. Something noticeably missing in the AV08 family was a AD variant intended to deal with low to medium level targets including UASs. At some point in the future I would lie to see a IFV AD variant; either tracked or wheeled. It’s badly needed given the threats we face. It should have a auto cannon [ideally 30mm for the range]; 4 MANPADS [not Starstreak but a IR on e which does not have to be guided until impact – so the vehicle can engage more than one target simultaneously] and a radar and ESM for target alerting.

    What the Russians and Yanks have done with the Derivatsiya [a sngle 30mm] and the Stryker SHORAD variant [a single 30mm, Hellfire and Stinger] is indicative of the seriousness armies are taking low level defence, especially UASs; whether a medium flying MALE or a swarm of micro ones flying at tree top level.

  4. Divided about this..sure this upgrade will refreshed/boosted adnan in a sense but wouldnt be better if they/we save money to buy next gen ifv like fnss’s own kaplan 20/30 n zaha? Own southern neighbour already have unmanned hunter ifv..

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