Military Deployed To Assist Police

10th Para Brigade Pathfinders company leading the parade at the 2019 Merdeka Parade. Note the two soldiers carrying the FN Minimi Paratrooper version with the collapsible stocks.

SHAH ALAM: Military deployed to assist police. The government has issued the order for the military to assist the police in enforcing the Movement Control Order (MCO) enforced since March 18 until March 31. Defence Minister Ismail Sabri in announcing the deployment of the military said the mobilisation will take place from Sunday, March 22.

The MCO as you are aware was meant to limit the movement of the public to avoid the uncontrol spread of the COVID-19 virus. The public has been advised to stay at home during the period apart from seeking essential services. Ismail said with the assistance of the military, it was hoped the stay-at-home order would be better implemented. The media have reported that some members of public had flouted the order and continue to go out despite the MCO.

10th Para Brigade Pathfinders company leading the parade at the 2019 Merdeka Parade. Note the two soldiers carrying the FN Minimis.

The statement by Ismail in brief:

1. The military will assist the police starting Sunday to ensure the public abide by the the MCO. Tentera akan bantu polis pantau keadaan pastikan rakyat patuhi perintah kawalan pergerakan mulai Ahad ini.

2. The government has no intention to announce an emergency. Kerajaan tiada niat untuk umumkan darurat

3. Dont questioned the authority of the police and the military on national security issue. Jangan persoal kuasa polis, tentera dlm hal keselamatan negara.

4. Those who have returned to their hometown, should stay there. Mereka yang telah balik ke kampung, perlu kekal di kampung

5. All Malaysian working in Singapore can work there normally in the condition that they stay in Singapore during the MCO period. Semua pekerja Msia di Singapura boleh bekerja seperti biasa dgn syarat tinggal di republik itu dlm tempoh perintah kawalan.

6. The police can action on anyone who is sick but refused to report their condition, Polis boleh ambil tindakan terhadap individu yg sakit tetapi tidak melaporkan keadaan mereka.

7. 23 Malaysian citizens from Iran, 94 in Italy is expected to returned home next week and will be quarantined immediately. 23 rakyat Msia di Iran, 94 di Itali akan pulang ke Msia minggu depan dan terus dikuarantikan.

8. Employers cannot forced their employees to take unpaid leave during the MCO. Majikan tidak boleh paksa pekerja ambil cuti tanpa gaji semasa tempoh Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan.

9. Some 4000 tabligh members have yet to come medical inspection. COVID-19 – Seramai 4000 orang ahli tabligh masih belum tampil secara sukarela untuk buat pemeriksaan.

10. Police will continue to conduct road blocks, Somw 11,000 vehicles were inspected yesterday (March 19, 2020). Sekatan jalan raya oleh piha polis akan diteruskan, 11,000 kenderaan telah diperiksa sehingga semalam.

11. The government will bear the food costs of university students who are unable to return to their hometowns. Kerajaan akan tanggung kos makanan pelajar IPTA/IPTS yang tidak dapat pulang ke kampung.

Army soldiers on parade.. BTDM

The Defence Ministry has not issued further details on the role of the military during this period but it is likely to assist the police in conducting road blocks and also other public order duties. The Army as the biggest service will be the most visible during the operation though the navy and air force personnel are also expected to be roped. Their deployment will be near areas where their camps are located – Lumut, Langkawi, Kota Kinabalu and Gong Kedak so as to free the Army to deploy in other areas.

Stay at Home.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2369 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Have the police GOF already been deployed?

    Likely though most of them are now in Sabah Sabah Sarawak and northern border states

  2. Some are concerned that the Armed Forces would be bringing out their guns during patrols. Perhaps they should since the stubborn public still don’t need the police so an all-threatening soldier with his rifle might put the fear into these recalcitrants.

    The military without weapons are simply Rela with fancy gear

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