LMS Badik

LMS Badik at the naming ceremony at the Wuchuan shipyard. RMN

SHAH ALAM: LMS Badik. The third LMS was officially named as Badik in a ceremony held at the Wuchuan shipyard at Qidong, China today. The naming ceremony for LMS Badik was conducted by the wife of the Malaysian Defence Attache to China, Puan Rohana Osman. Her husband had took physical delivery of the pennant 113 ship, three days ago.

According to RMN, LMS Badik was named after a ship of the Kris class decommissioned from service in 2005.

LMS Badik at the naming ceremony at the Wuchuan shipyard. RMN

It said LMS Badik will be the third LMS of the RMN (Keris class) and will joined the 11 LMS Squadron based at RMN base in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The squadron currently has two ships, KD Keris and KD Sundang, which are already operational.

Rohana at the naming ceremony while her husband looks on. Note the covered ship in the background, most likely the LMS 4, to be named Rencong. RMN

According to RMN, work on the third LMS started on 18 September 2019 and she was launched on 28 October, 2020 after which she had undergone successful harbour and sea trials. Seven officers and 38 sailors have been in China for the last five months for training on the ship. LMS Badik ship is expected to sail home to Malaysia by the end of the month.

The crew of LMS Badik at the naming ceremony. RMN

She will be commissioned most likely by mid October as the crew will have to undergo quarantine for two weeks as like other travelers arriving in Malaysia from overseas. Only after the commissioning she will be called KD Badik.

Third LMS after her launch in October 2020. RMN

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2229 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. This question is not connected to the LMS but the Coast Guard ships.
    Have these new coast guard ships been launched?

  2. So what I said before is correct

    LMS3 given name is Badik

    LMS4 given name is Rencong

    Any news on how TLDM going to recommission ex KD Sundang and ex KD Panah vosper class PCs? What kind of new names these ships will be given?

  3. “the crew will have to undergo quarantine for two weeks”
    Extended 2 week patrol without touching base after they return with the ship is just as good as quarantine.

  4. Equipped with smaller caliber gun compare to the current gunboat with tldm seeking to replace some of the original equipment, would this ship be worth the price or this is just the government try to show that they comply with 15to5 timeline but ignore the specs? All at the expense of the navy.

    And how long it usually takes to finalise the chosen lca after the tender closed?

  5. 1 question: what is happenning to the LCS now please?. A natural death n forget all abour it or work restarted on all?

  6. No, it hasnt restarted. They are waiting for the government to sign off the resumption. Thats why I said its better for Ismail Sabri to continue being the Defence Minister

  7. Lee,

    How on earth can it be a “natural death”? Some ships have been partially constructed, a lot of gear paid for and delivered, no prospects of a replacement anytine soon and delivered and the country’s main and largest naval refit facility (co located at Lumut base) in a precarious position. No I’m not suggesting we bail out BNS – I’ve always harped on the need not to place importance on the local industry at the expense of the armed services and taxpayer.

  8. @Marhalim

    As the PM, he can sign off on the order, right? Not necessary that it had to come from Hishamuddin. Or rather the ball’s in his court right now?

  9. Yes, as PM he could but I think he will defer the decision to Hishammuddin as he was appointed to the ministry’s with the title Senior Defence Minister. Negotiations had not been completed before Ismail Sabri becomes PM

  10. @Marhalim
    I think if we really want to put someone who could do the job, rather he should be sitting right at the top, don’t you think so? As for LCS, this is H2O’s baby from conception so hopefully he would be aware of his responsibility to ensure its birth. But at the moment, extra funding would be a challenge what with the scrutiny and investigations.

  11. The whole LCS programme started to move when Zahid was the Defence Minister, not Hishammudin, who only became Defence Minister in 2013. All the decisions taken with regards to local production, selection of vendors, schedules, the awarding of the contract and other pertinent issues was during a time when Zahid was the Defence Minister.

  12. Najib, Zahid, H2O, take your pick which should have been Menhan that will resolve LCS then. It started build during H2O 1st tenure tho.

  13. The fact that building per see started during Hishanmudin’s tenure is of profound unimportance. I don’t have to “take my pick” as I’m merely pointing out that the programme was planned during Zahid’s tenure as was the actual awarding of the contract. The list of vendors, work share, schedules, etc, was agreed upon during a time when Zahid was the Minister and he reported to the then PM. When his replacement arrived, he merely carried on with what had already been fully agreed upon.

    Also, no single individual should be assigned most of the blame as it was our fundamentally highly flawed defence policy which enabled this cockup to occur. Not only that but satisfactorily resolving the issue is not the purview of a single individual but the system… The Defence Minister can make it an absolute priority to resolve things but the ultimate decision is not his.

  14. This may be a few days late but, the Indonesian had signed a contract for 2 Arrowhead 140. We should have get them back when the Danish just finished building their Iver Huitfeldt in 2011. After this PT PAL can built more, larger, and cheaper frigates than us. RIP LCS

  15. -We should have get them back when the Danish just finished building their Iver Huitfeldt in 2011-

    Like we have the money then, eh??

  16. The cockup did not happen during the “actual awarding of the contract” nor during “The list of vendors, work share, schedules, etc, was agreed upon” unless they were planning to fail all along which, in this case they did it brilliantly.

    No, it happened when the build process was well underway which would be the then sitting Menhan’s responsibility for such cockups. And that would have been H2O’s.

    The Ivers were primarily air defence frigates and much too big for our needs, it doesn’t serve the purpose as a Littoral ship. TLDM originally wanted a corvette sized ship which got bumped up to frigate in view that it will have higher growth potential in keeping relevant to others around.

  17. “No, it happened when the build process was well underway which would be the then sitting Menhan’s responsibility for such cockups. And that would have been H2O’s”

    Again, the cock up happened because the system enabled it to happen, everything from local construction, to a lack of oversight, to a yard which wasn’t fully prepared – decisions made by the then PM and his Defence Monister with little oversight from the Cabinet or from a 3rd party independent assessment.

    The ‘new’ Defence Minister entered the scene only in 2013 by which time all the major decisions had been put in place and were being implemented. Even if he had wanted to it was too late to make any major changes to a programme that was the “baby” of the then PM and the former Defence Minister.
    The current Defence Minster shares a large part of the blame for a number of programmes implemented during his tenure but the sorry episode with the LCSs (as Marhalim has also pointed out) wasn’t his “baby” and all the major decisions with regards to schedules, payments, work sharing, etc, had already been agreed upon.

  18. We should now view the 6 LCS as a separete issue. If TLDM is to complete the 15 to 5 programme TLDM better start on Batch 2 of the LCS but this time, built all 6 overseas . Meanwhile just hold tight n let the parties clear the first batch.
    If this policy is adopted batch 2 may fimally become the lead batch n the lead batch become batch 3 or 4.
    Lets move on meanwhile n not let these first 6 be a roadblock to the whole defence plan

  19. Lee,

    You serious?? The RMN has no chance of completing the 5/15, nor does it intend to. It’s only adhering to it as far as possible because there is no other possible short term solution and it’s politically convenient to give the illusion that the 5/15 is still the plan.

  20. Me me..of course iver/ah140 is too flamboyant for our need..but still we need air warfare frigate for batch 2 of lcs..how about omega frigate by damen or kdxIIA from korea..We can request for 120 to 130m ship for aaw frigate with at least 32 sam silo..considering our neighbours will start deploying big size ship like singapore’s mrcv dan indonesia’s AH140

  21. 2nd hand ships arent an option if commonality and upkeep costs are issues.

    No. LCS Batch 2s will not be AA platforns. We have no such requirenent at the moment. Anyhow a AA platform is only as capable of not just its weapons and sensor suite but its level of networking.

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