Malaysia -RMN

Par The Course
SHAH ALAM: Par the course. It appears that the Ismail Sabri administration will continue with the plans formulated by the Armed Forces for the last decade which was codified into the 2019 Defence White Paper. This was expected as the administration have only some 14 months to go before the […]

Keris Launched
SHAH ALAM: Keris launched. The first of class LMS, pre commissioning unit, Keris – pennant number 111 – was launched at the Wuhan shipyard in China this morning. According to a release by RMN, the Keris designation for the LMS was chosen in honour of its mostly retired Keris-class ships. […]

First LCS To Be Launch Next Week
SHAH ALAM: RMN’s first of class Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) will be launched next week at Boustead Naval Shipyard in Lumut. The launch of the ship marks the countdown into service of the LCS in 2019. The Sultan of Perak, Sultan Nazrin Shah is expected to officiate the ceremony on […]

More Stuff for LCS
SHAH ALAM: With the launch of the first LCS set for Aug. 24, more stuff are now being or have been delivered for the ships of the class. The latest is the underwater monitoring device, which forms part of the ship’s surveillance system. The surveillance system is called NIDAR by […]

Pimp Up My LMS
SHAH ALAM: If you were to read the earlier comments on the LMS post, not much is expected of the class of ships despite what has been said by the RMN. Of course much of that came from Boustead Naval Shipyard’s past performance and also the funding level of the […]

15 to 5 and LMS Updates
SHAH ALAM: LMS and 15 to 5 updates. The RMN 15 to 5 transformation plan is on track and the navy will have a new fleet – if it goes to plan – in 30 years time. The first two ships under the plan are the LCS – two already […]

RMN Air Defence Unit
SHAH ALAM: RMN air defence unit. In a recent post, someone asked about the air defence units of the RMAF and RMN. Although some information of the RMAF unit has been posted earlier, not much is known about the RMN one. RMN used to have an air defence unit at […]

Extra Allocation For MAF
SHAH ALAM: RMAF and RMN, last week on their official Twitter page, blasted graphics separately announcing their gratitude to the government for providing an extra allocation to the Armed Forces 2017 budget. The extra allocation for the military based on the graphics is RM817.60 million. This means the budget for […]

Missiles or Guns?
SHAH ALAM: Missiles or Guns? The conversation on the post KD Jebat Caught Fire – good or bad – has veered into the debate regarding the future of the Seawolf SAM missile on the Lekiu class, which had been written previously. The conversation however misses the elephant the room. Which […]