LKT 2018

Two SS-30s on the way to targets with another three just launched

SHAH ALAM: LKT 2018. The Army conducted its annual Latihan Kuasa Tembakan this year at the Gemas range over the last one week. The exercise ended on July 12 with the attendance of the Army chief Gen Zulkipfle Kassim.

For the occasion, the Army fired two Ingwe missiles from two Gempita AFV30 ATGW – the first in-country firings of the missiles with observers in attendance – following the end user acceptance trials in March. Both missiles hit their targets at the LKT firings.

On The Way…Ingwe missile leaving its box launcher from the AFV30 ATGW.

A number of IFV25 and AFV30s also took part in the exercise firing their 25mm and 30mm caliber guns whilst on the move.

Gempita AFV30s firing on the move.

The other ATGM in the Army service, Adnan mounted Bakhtar Shikan ATGM also took part in the exercise.

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As usual other fire support units in the Third Division also took part in the exercise from the Pendekar, Adnans, MIFV, 105mm and 155mm guns as well as an Astros battery also took part in the exercise.

One of the two Pendekars firing on the move.

Three A109LOH armed with the M134D miniguns also showed their capabilities.

PUTD AgustaWestland AW109 LOH firing its minigun on the range.

The target under fire

Two Sukhois and four Hawks from RMAF also took part in the Close Support segment which ended the live fire exercise together with a battery of Astros MLRS launchers.

Two SS-30s on the way to targets with another three just launched

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Compared to last year, this year exercise felt and look smaller, which was confirmed by Gen Zulkiple who said this year’s exercise cost RM17 million compared to the RM23 million last year. Most of it, he said were the cost of the live ordnance expanded during the week.

— Malaysian Defence.

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About Marhalim Abas 2297 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Have a Kuasa Tembakan every 2 years to save cost instead. I am very concerned about minimal use of UAVs by ATM especially MALEs and armed droned. They reduced exposure of our precious human lifes (trained airmen) and expensive hardwares to risks in many situations and collateral damages to civilian and friendly forces.

  2. I looked at the AFV30 and find it unbelievable that the turret is so big, in fact bigger than the PT91’s. It also dwarfs the sharpshooter turret. Any reason why it is so big, considering it only has a 30mm gun?

    It’s a two man turret the gun can be fed from both sides. I have been in the Sharpshooter turret, fired the gun it’s a very tight squeeze, especially on the Adnan. The gunner really need the helmet otherwise he will be black and blue from banging the sides of the turret. The links will pour all over the body

  3. Being pedantic but the proper designation as used now [by most militaries and NATO] is ”unmanned aerial system” [UAS] not ”drone” or ” unmanned aerial vehicle” [UAV]. Previously of course ” unmanned aerial vehicles” were commonly known as ”remotely piloted vehicle” [RPV] despite there being subtle differences between ”UAV” and ”RPV”.

    The use of UASs is related not only to avoid loss of human life but because in may scenarios they are cheaper, more practical and offer other advantages over a manned platform. If the day comes when we get an armed UAS; the trick would also be to ensure proper and practical ROEs are in place. With regards to UASs as a whole; we must first ensure we have the proper command set up in place to ensure all [respective of service] benefit from having them and that data/intel/imagery gets to those who need it with as little delay as possible. In other words a proper command set up with zero service infighting and bureaucracy.

  4. Hornet Lover,

    A 30mm gun [at least the one on the AV-8] is physically larger than a 20mm and so are its shells. Not sure on its size compared to a
    T-72/PT-91 but the turret tends to be smaller compared to other tanks due to only being 2 people in it; no loader.

  5. Would like to ask whether the A109LOHs whether they are still equipped with the 20mm canon or machine gun pod. When the Agustas were first introduced into service it’s been said they will be equipped with different kind of weapon pods. After the introduction of the mini-gun looks like people forget about the pods.

    Next thing is, considering the size of the A109, just how many rounds can be carried by it? Is it of the M134 or XM214 firing 5.56 rounds? If it’s the M134, my guess is each A109 can carry about 5000 rounds max, which can last for 50 secs. only.

    AgustaWestland tried to sell the gun/rocket pods combo but it never happened. It is likely that they brought the pods some years back to demo it here but since it was never bought it was likely that they had been returned. Yes the Nuri could probably carry more rounds than the AW109 but the Army only introduced the Nuri into service recently. The 50 caliber HMG Nuri are those of the Air Force

    Just a wild thought, why not mount it on a Nuri instead. It can take much more rounds and suppress the enemy more effectively.Why mount the HMG on nuri?

  6. @Azlan

    “A 30mm gun [at least the one on the AV-8] is physically larger than a 20mm and so are its shells. Not sure on its size compared to a
    T-72/PT-91 but the turret tends to be smaller compared to other tanks due to only being 2 people in it; no loader.”

    In the above video, 41:30, where the 3 turrets lined up side by side. The sharpshooter is really small. The 30mm is noticeably bigger than the PT-91’s turret. Ther’s also no loader in the PT-91 turret.

  7. If the US can stop military exercises on grounds of saving cost, certainly Malaysia can do the same as well. Trump was so proud to be boasting that the cancelled Korean wargame had saved USD17million for the taxpayer’s money.

  8. Marhalim, did you cover Ex Perang Tioman of TLDM? Any live munitions fired?

    No, invitation. No missiles, otherwise the navy would have publicised it but its likely that they fired their 57mm, 40mm, 30mm and small arms as well.

  9. @ marhalim

    ” Just a wild thought, why not mount it on a Nuri instead. It can take much more rounds and suppress the enemy more effectively.Why mount the HMG on nuri? ”

    Probable reasons?

    – priority
    The nuri is needed more for logistics duties. The A109 with its observation tasks are an ideal fit for fire suppression duties.

    – doctrine
    Probably right now the A109 is practicing doctrines for the MD530G. So a nimble helicopter is more representative of what they are going to use in the future (BTW what happened to those little birds?)

    On the size of the turrets
    – The Sharpshooter is a 1 man turret.
    – The AFV30 Turret is a 2 man turret with all the ammo stored in the turret itself.
    – The PT-91 turret is a 2 man turret, with ammo stored in a carousel in the hull of the tank.

  10. joe – ”If the US can stop military exercises on grounds of saving cost, certainly Malaysia can do the same as well.”

    Apples to oranges comparison. The U.S. has more military exercises; more regularly and more intensive and it has world wide commitments. We on the other hand are already conducting everything within a tight budget. If we continue to cancel or curtail training/exercises – to achieve short term savings – then there will be adverse effects.

    joe – ”Trump was so proud to be boasting that the cancelled Korean wargame had saved ”

    Yes but the Pentagon a military officials weren’t happy as they realise that cancellation can affect U.S/ROK readiness.

    Hornet Lover – ”Ther’s also no loader in the PT-91 turret.”

    Yes as I pointed out. This makes the T-72/PT-91 turret smaller compared to tanks that have room for a loader. The loader feeds the gun directly but is mounted on the floor. The Sharpshooter turret houses one man and a smaller gun.

    ”Just a wild thought, why not mount it on a Nuri instead.”

    From what I was told by a former AQM trials were conducted by the RMAF decades ago on a cabin mounted GPMG but the results weren’t ”satisfactory” – I guess either from a technical or operational viewpoint. Then again I recall RN Sea Kings having a cabin mounted gun. I have read of cases where spent brass tends to get stuck in the rotors.

    … – ”The AFV30 Turret is a 2 man turret with all the ammo stored in the turret itself.”

    Unless I’m mistaken, rounds are stored in the turret but spare rounds are stored outside of the turret; within the hull itself.

  11. … – ”The PT-91 turret is a 2 man turret, with ammo stored in a carousel in the hull of the tank.”

    There are also spare [unprotected] rounds stored along the wall of the hull.

  12. Just curious, is the Paladin procurement now also on hold/terminated?

    All contracts already signed is being honoured.

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