Defence Contract

First Ada-class Ship in Town

SHAH ALAM: TCG Kinaliada – the fourth ship of the Ada class – has berthed at the Port Klang Cruise Terminal in Pulau Indah, Port Klang today – for its three-day visit to Malaysia. She is the first Ada-class ship to be in Malaysia with the RMN version expected returned […]

Defence Contract

New FCR for KD Perak

SHAH ALAM: The Defence Ministry has issued a tender for the supply, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning of a fire control radar (FCR) KD Perak pennant number 173, the third ship of the Kedah class. The tender was published on October 10 and closes on November 11, according to the […]

Defence Contract

Talks On Upgrading The Kedah Class

SHAH ALAM: Even though LMS Batch 2 was the underlying factor at LIMA 2023, there was also talk on upgrading the Kedah-class ships or known in the RMN as the Skuadron 17 Patrol Vessel (PV). PV17 Squadron is the formal name for the six-strong Kedah class ships, namely KD Kedah […]

Defence Shows

IMDEX Returns

SHAH ALAM: After a four-year hiatus, Imdex Asia 2023, returns hosting 250 participating companies from 25 countries/regions, at the Singapore Changi Exhibition Centre from May 3 to 5. Malaysian Defence was however unable to attend the show due to reasons. However, thanks to the kind nature of defence journalist Dzirhan […]

Defence Contract

KD Kedah 15th Anniversary

SHAH ALAM: KD Kedah 15th anniversary. KD Kedah, the lead ship of the RMN class of ships bearing its name celebrated its 15th anniversary which falls on June 5. The ship was built at the Blohm and Voss shipyard in Germany in 2001 and launched in 2003 but the commissioning […]

Malaysia -RMN

Refit For KD Terengganu

SHAH ALAM: Refit for KD Terengganu. KD Terengganu, the fourth ship in the Kedah class is expected to undergo a refit at the Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) in Lumut, later this year. Boustead Heavy Industries Corporation on June 20 announced to Bursa Saham that BNS, its associate company had accepted […]

Malaysia -RMN

Upgrades, Sort Off

SHAH ALAM: Upgrades for Kedah class, sort off. In my earlier post, Back to Future III, I mentioned that the Gem Electronica EOFCS will also be installed on another class of ship of the RMN. I can now report that four of the Kedah class will receive the system. GEM […]

Malaysia -RMN

Meko A100 Corvette

SHAH ALAM: Meko A100 corvette. As we were busy with LIMA 19, Brazil announced in late March that it had chosen a German/Brazilian consortium as the preferred bidder to build four corvettes for its navy. The consortium Águas Azuis Consortium – comprising ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, Embraer Defense & Security and […]

No Picture
Malaysia -RMN

The Future RMN Armada

SHAH ALAM: THE LCS and NGPV will be the backbone of the future RMN armada – if the plan proposed by the navy to have only five class of vessels in the fleet – is taken up and fully funded. The other three classes are the submarines, Littoral Mission Ships […]

Malaysia -RMN

SLEP for KD Lekiu and KD Jebat

SHAH ALAM: It appears that the SLEP for RMN’s 23 Frigate Squadron – KD Lekiu and KD Jebat – is expected to commence soon. There is yet to be an official announcement about the project but the publication of tenders for the procurement of some systems for both ships is […]