Pantheras IOC in April

The-then Army chief TS Gen Zamrose Mohd Zain putting the name of the Panthera 4X4, the Malaysian variant of the Ejder Yalcin. Zamrose visited the Nurol Makina factory on December 14 2022. Note the RWS on top of the vehicle. Tentera Darat.

SHAH ALAM: The 20 Nurol Makina Panthera armoured 4X4s for the Malaysian contingent in Lubnan is expected to be operational in April. This is following their pre-delivery inspection and acceptance tests to be conducted early this month, Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin said in a written response in Parliament on March 4.

He was answering questions from DS Ikmal Hisham Abdul Aziz – the Tanah Merah MP – who asked the minister on the plan to scrap the nine IAG Guardian armoured 4X4 – supplied in 2018 – as it did not meet UN requirements and resulted in the procurement 20 Pantheras. Ikmal was the former deputy defence minister in the two previous administrations.

Malbatt IAG Guardians armed with 7.62 machine gun during a 2020 firing exercise in Lebanon. Joint Force picture

Khaled said there was no plan to scrap the Guardians. “The vehicles are still considered Contingent Own Equipment and was approved for use by the Malbattt under Unifil.
Even though the vehicle did not comply fully with UN specifications, Unifil accepted its service and any issues regarding the procurement of the vehicles had been answered in the Auditor General’s report in 2020.”
Three IAG Guardian APCs, four Cendana Auto FFR and three Condors were the backdrop for the change of command parade. JF

Khaled said the Guardians were procured in 2018 to replace nine obsolete Radpanzer Condor which had served for more than 40 years.
“There is no truth that the Pantheras were procured to replaced the Guardians. Malbatt with Joint Force Command and the Defence Ministry is in the process of scrapping 20 Condors which are still operational with the unit and these are the vehicles that will be replaced by the Pantheras procured from Turkiye. The Pantheras are expected to become operational this April after undergoing pre-delivery inspection this month.”
The-then Army chief TS Gen Zamrose Mohd Zain with the acceptance certificate for the first buil Panthera 4X4 – the name of the Malaysian variant of the Ejder Yalcin – at the Nurol Makina factory on December 14. Tentera Darat

As reported previously, the Pantheras were expected to be delivered to Lebanon last year but it was delayed due to difficulties met by the manufacturers. I have been told that the Pantheras has been delivered to Lebanon already but documentation issues is delaying its entry into service with Malbatt 850-11.
Malbatt 850-10 officials conducting a tour with visiting Mindef personnel of their AOR in Condors in November 2022. JF Command.

Meanwhile, the Armed Forces confirmed today that a Cendana Auto FFR from Malbatt 850-11 was detained a group of Lebanese on February 29. It stated that vehicle was part of a two-vehicle convoy which was driving to an area near the Rafik Hariri international airport in Beirut.
A screen grab of the video of the Cendana Auto FFR vehicle.

Due to heavy traffic, the vehicles were separated and the FFR vehicle went into another road before they were stopped by a group of people. The group then detained the soldiers and conducted an inspection of the FFR and took videos of inside the vehicle. The soldiers and their vehicle were released shortly without any harm or damages. A report was lodged with the Lebanese Armed Forces.
IAG Guardians of the Malaysian contingent in Lebanon.

According to a report in a Lebanese media, the people who detained the Malbatt soldiers were unhappy with their presence in their area and searched the vehicle for cameras and other recording equipment. Ironically, the Lebanese also took video footages of the FFR vehicle. It must be noted that Malaysian Defence had reported that the Lebanese aversion to cameras as the reason it was decided that the Guardians were not to be equipped with a RWS. The Pantheras however are equipped with a RWS on each vehicle as the AG report that these would be life savers during combat situation.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2229 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Strangely enough I avoid close contacts with the Lebanese themselves in my youth… In part due to my years in Australia where the ‘L’ group formed motorcycle gangs that controlled illegal drugs etc. It’s just by association and not driven by racism. It’s the sort of thing that drives certain quarters in the UK to avoid Albanians as they are said to control human smuggling. It alarmed me when these street mobs held our boys ‘just because they had cameras ‘.

  2. I dont get it. I thought the Guardians will be returned to Msia for local use once the Panteras are fully operational. Now it seems will be serving alongside the Panteras or did I miss something?

    But its okay, with the Panteras even if they got into a dodgy neighbourhood they dont need to leave the vehicle as they can survey their surroundings using the RWS.

    Some believe their souls will get sucked by the camera lens and trapped in the images & pictures, forever be damned in limbo as long as their picture exist.

  3. They shall just give the Guardians to the 5th Div or the PGA for Operation in Sabah if they have no use for it in Lebanon

  4. I can understand the lebanese and hizbullah paranoia about cameras. Maybe they relate them to identification of locations for Israeli pin point air strikes. Good for them to be extra careful.

  5. That HMLTV will be bought this year right? Maybe will be announce at DSA or at least the contenders will flock the DSA.What announcement we all can expect at this year DSA Mr M? LMS B2? SPH?

  6. @Hasnan
    Then they should improve their anti air assets rather than being stuck in the 19th century.

  7. Is there a reason we are not using our Gempitas instead of buying the Panthera?

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