Nexter Guns Operational

1st RAD Nexter guns on the firing line. BTDM

SHAH ALAM: Nexter guns operational. The Army has declared that the Nexter LG1 MKIII 105mm howitzer guns, operated by the 1 Rejimen Artileri Di Raja (1RAD) as fully operational. Army chief Jen Zamrose Mohd Zain made the formal declaration at the Asahan firing range in Gemas, Negri Sembilan on October 14, a year after the guns were received by the regiment.

For more on the Nexter guns go here.

Gen Zamrose being briefed on the firing station. BTDM

According to the Army, 1st RAD was established on 15 August, 1957, at the Kajang camp in Selangor had operated the 25 pounders (88m gun) and the Oto Melara 105mm Pack Howitzer before transitioning to the LG MKIII guns. The unit became airborne qualified when it was transferred to the 10th Para Brigade which stood up in November, 1988.
Zamrose firing the Nexter gun. BTDM

As part of the operational declaration ceremony, Zamrose and the Army’s high ranking officials took turns to fire the guns of the regiment.

From the Army.

GEMAS, 14 Oktober 2021 – Tapak G20 Lapang Sasar Asahan, Kem Syed Sirajuddin, Gemas menjadi saksi berlangsungnya latihan tembakan inaugurasi Meriam 105mm LG1 MK III.
Latihan tembakan tersebut yang disaksi dan disempurnakan oleh Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain, turut disusuli dengan Pengisytiharan Status Pengoperasian Rejimen Pertama Artileri Diraja Para (1 RAD Para), pada hari ini.
1 RAD Para, yang ditubuhkan pada 15 Ogos 1957 di Kem Kajang, Selangor, telah melalui pelbagai evolusi dan penstrukturan pasukan. Ini termasuklah perubahan kepada kelengkapan persenjataan yang dimiliki pasukan ini.
Semenjak penubuhannya, pasukan ini telah dilengkapkan dengan tiga varian sistem persenjataan iaitu Meriam 25 Pounder, Meriam 105 mm Pack Howitzer dan yang terkini, pasukan memiliki Meriam 105 mm LG1 MK III yang dibekalkan pada bulan Oktober 2020.
Latihan tembakan ini dimulakan dengan taklimat latihan yang disampaikan oleh Pegawai Memerintah 1 RAD Para, Leftenan Kolonel Zakaria bin Saip Lani. Tan Sri PTD kemudiannya turut diberikan penerangan berkenaan peranan dan tanggungjawab anggota di pos perintah yang disampaikan oleh Pegawai Pos Perintah Bateri Alpha.
Seterusnya, Tan Sri PTD turut diberikan kesempatan untuk bersama-sama anggota 1 RAD Para, melaksanakan latihan tembakan Meriam 105 mm LG1 MK III, diiringi oleh Pengarah Rejimen Artileri Diraja (RAD), Brigedier Jeneral Dato’ Dr. Hj Ibrahim bin Yasir. Turut serta mengambil bahagian melaksanakan tembakan berkenaan Pegawai-Pegawai Kanan ahli Sidang Tertinggi Panglima Tentera Darat (STPTD) yang hadir.
Pelaksanaan latihan tembakan inaugurasi meriam sebegini adalah sejajar dengan Tonggak Pertama Perintah Ulung PTD Ke-28, “Kelangsungan Misi dan Kesiagaan”, yang memberikan penekanan kepada aspek kesiagaan operasi untuk siap sedia diaturgerak pada sebilang masa.

On the way.

From the pictures of the ceremony, 1st RAD is still operating the Uro Vamtac 4X4 vehicles to tow their guns. It is likely the unit will be the first one to operate the new gun towers procured earlier this year.
1st RAD firing their guns en masse

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2393 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. The pic of the ”firing station”. Is it a FDC? FDCs play a very important role in coordinating artillery and being the ”connecter” between the FO and the gun line.

  2. FDCs should be located a bit further away from the gun line; away from the possibility of being hit by indirect fire. Then again this was a demonstration shoot; in a actual scenario a FDC would be located a bit rearwards. Every arty regiment should have a FDC; makes a major difference in guns being able to hit targets accurately and timely.

  3. Obviously if the OEM takes them back, it will not be for free..

    Bear in mind however that the engines are 35 odd years old and need an overhaul. The planes also need to be worked on a bit to get them flying again.

  4. @ZekMR
    “A very good show of force..”
    Not really. Live firing exercise have been a annual thing, prolly might have skip last year but it returned this year. The SAF prolly expend more ammo & ordnances at their various global offshore training centers compared to us.

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