Hilux GSO and ATVs

A Go Auto employee demonstrating the ATV, procured for Op Benteng. TD picture

SHAH ALAM: The Army has taken delivery of an unknown number of one-tonne general services cargo (GSO) trucks and all-terrain vehicles (ATV) ordered under the urgent operational requirement for Op Benteng. Army chief General Zamrose Mohd Zain inspected the delivered vehicles at the 92 Central Vehicle Depot, Batu Kentomen Camp in Kuala Lumpur on January 22.

Go Auto Sdn Bhd won the tenders for the 63 GS0s and 27 ATVs which were opened for competition for ten days from Aug. 26, last year though it is unclear whether the company has delivered all of the vehicles at the moment.The Letter of Award for the GSO was RM10.8 million while the ATV was RM1.2 million.

A Go Auto employee demonstrating the ATV. TD picture

The GSO truck is a basically a Toyota Hilux single cab pickup, fitted with an eight seat rear cabin and other off-the-shelf military fittings. Go Auto had previously supplied an unknown number of Hilux GSOs to the police as well.

Zamrose checking out the driver’s cabin of the Hilux GSO. Note the gun rack in the middle.

As for the ATV, it is likely they are Taiwanese made TGB Blade LTX EPS which had been painted in the Army digital camouflage just like the GSO trucks.

General Zamrose testing the ATV. TD picture

For more details on Go Auto Sdn Bhd go here. I had reported previously on the OP Benteng procurement of the vehicles but did not name the company as I was not purview to the type of trucks and ATVs they were supplying.

The Hilux 1-Tonne GS Cargo truck. TD picture

Weststar had also supplied an unknown number of the GSO trucks to the Army previously to replace/supplement the GSO Land Rover Defenders in service. As the Army refer to these vehicles as the Isuzu Dmax 1-tonne GS Cargo trucks it is likely the ones bought from Go Auto will be called the Toyota Hilux 1-tonne GS Cargo trucks.

A rear view picture of the PDRM one-tonne GS cargo truck. Go Auto picture

KUALA LUMPUR, 22 Januari 2021 – Panglima Tentera Darat (PTD), Jeneral Tan Sri Datuk Zamrose bin Mohd Zain mengadakan Lawatan Pemeriksaan Perolehan Kenderaan Operasi (Op) BENTENG bertempat di 92 Depot Kenderaan Pusat (92 DKP), Kem Batu Kentonmen, hari ini.
Acara dimulakan dengan taklimat daripada Syarikat Go Auto Sdn Bhd yang telah disampaikan oleh Pengarah Urusan syarikat tersebut iaitu Dato’ SM Azli bin SM Nasimudin. Antara kenderaan yang diperolehi bagi penugasan Op BENTENG adalah All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) dan Trak 1 Tan GS Kargo.
Kenderaan tersebut bertujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan aspek mobiliti dalam penugasan Op BENTENG di sempadan negara.
Acara dibuat secara ringkas bagi mematuhi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) yang telah ditetapkan.
Penerimaan aset terbaru ini adalah bertepatan dengan Tonggak Pertama Panglima Tentera Darat Ke 28 iaitu “Kelangsungan Misi Dan Kesiagaan”, yang memberikan penumpuan kepada perolehan dan penyelenggaraan aset-aset bagi memastikan kesiagaan tempur Tentera Darat Malaysia (TDM) berada di tahap terbaik untuk sebarang aturgerak operasi.

It appears that the Army like the police will not standardised into one type of vehicle for their GSO requirements as they did previously with the Land Rover Defenders. The police had previously also bought GSO from Deftech which were Isuzu Dmaxes as well. Apart from the Hilux GSOs, Go Auto have also supplied almost standard Hilux and Mitsubishi Triton pick-ups as well to the police.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2353 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. I am concerned about the ATVs though. The main danger with them are roll-overs and they really need a safety cage of some sort. There had been a lot of deaths here in Oz with the ATVs until roll over protection became mandatory.

    Yup that’s a concern

  2. Rollcage such as this ( this is Polaris atv for US military) can partially mitigate the problem of being pinned by the ATV when rolled over


    ATV is dangerous when on a side slope ( risk of roll sideways), and going up or down a slope (risk of roll forward or backward.

    You should always wear a motorcycle helmet when riding an ATV, also neck supports.


  3. @Tom Tom
    You in Oz brother? I used ATVs whilst herding cattle for slaughter in holding pens of meat plants in SE Queensland years ago. Dangerous if novices think of them as 4-wheeled dirt bikes. But admittedly, they make work easier where 4WDS are unwieldy.

  4. Another issue with the ATVs are that they are loud. Not only does it make it hard for the rider to hear anything when the engine’s at high rev but it can be heard from miles away. It forewarns people of their presence and gives them time to disperse or hide.

    Same problem with RIBs and FICs; their outboard motors are loud and ideally should be muffled. As a stop gap measure hessian sacks are used to lessen the noise.

  5. @TomTom
    Cage or no cage, roll overs are potentially fatal anyways since the riders aren’t secured to the vehicle. He would be thrown out or crushed by it. I have seen forklifts going sideways killing the driver because they aren’t secured.

  6. Taib,
    Ya, benar. Ex Brisbane. You must have worked at the abattoir in Ipswich, not far from where Rheinemettal is now building the Boxer AFV.

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