OPV1 at Hydrographic Centre

MMEA and RMN personnel posed just forward of the OPV1 bridge. RMN

SHAH ALAM: MMEA’s first locally built OPV – OPV1/KM Tun Fatimah – is now berthed at the RMN National Hydrographic Centre jetty in Pulau Indah, Port Klang. The move to the RMN’s jetty was two days after her official delivery ceremony.

Her move to the jetty indicated that she is now a government vessel. Her presence at the jetty could be confirmed via Automatic Identification Ship (AIS) providers (her AIS is still KM Tun Fatimah) but also RMN whose officials visited the ship on January 5. RMN initially identified the ship as KM Tun Fatimah on the Facebook post on the visit.

MMEA and RMN personnel on the forecastle of OPV1. RMN

However, the post was later edited to say that the ship is OPV1. The post:

Pengarah Kanan Perancangan dan Pembangunan, Markas Tentera Laut, Laksamana Muda Yusne bin Mokhtar telah mengetuai Delegasi TLDM dalam lawatan ke OPV 1 yang bertambat di Jeti Pusat Hidrografi Nasional pada 5 Jan 24. Lawatan ini antara lain bertujuan untuk meneroka opsyen tambahan kepada TLDM bagi perancangan perolehan kapal pada masa hadapan melalui kepakaran limbungan tempatan.
Delegasi TLDM telah disambut oleh Pengarah Projek OPV, Laksamana Pertama Maritim Hamizan bin Harun. Lawatan dimulai dengan Taklimat Berkenaan Projek OPV yang disampaikan oleh Leftenan Maritim Mohd Naqeeb Bin Pauzi dan diakhiri dengan walk-around di OPV 1.
TLDM berharap agar kerjasama erat dengan APMM khususnya dalam perkongsian pengalaman dalam pengurusan projek kapal dapat diperkukuhkan demi memelihara kepentingan kedua-dua organisasi

RMN and MMEA personnel on the helo deck of OPV1. RMN.

MMEA ships like KM Bagan Datuk is regularly berth at the hydrographic centre jetty as its jetty in Port Klang is likely too shallow for the ship. It is the same for OPV1 and she is expected to be there until she sailed to her new homeport in Kuching, Sarawak.
THHE Destini shipyard as seen from the National Hydrographic Centre. Picture taken in 2017.

The National Hydrographic Centre is located next to the THHE Fabricators yard where OPV1 was built as shown from the picture above.

–Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2367 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. If KM Kuching is not well liked, perhaps KM Tok Uban is appropriate. Sarawakians would understand the joke. 😊

  2. If that what I understand it means, I do not think some people will appreciate it especially if it was decided in Semenanjung.

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