TUDM Subang Open Day – June 1, 2008

KUALA LUMPUR: For those living around Klang Valley especially near Subang look out for the 50-aircraft fly past in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of RMAF this Saturday. The Sukhois, Fulcrums, Hornets and the other air assets will be in Subang for the show, on Saturday and Sunday. The base is only open to the public on Sunday though.

So if you are free and want to have a closer look at RMAF air assets and want to see another aerial show, go to the Subang TUDM base (use the Shah Alam way) on Sunday morning to join in the Open Day. Otherwise head out to Subang airport near the Kampung Melayu Subang to watch the planes land.

Bring your cameras and ear plugs!

–Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2368 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Ahh…now I know why I saw low flying C130 & Migs in front on my house today in SJ

  2. Lor, cuti sekolah la boleh bawak anak pegi tengok. Anyway, hang ada tak video iklan British Army yg potray org melayu jahat n evil??? Kalu ada (atau sapa2 yg ada) bole post kat sni bole gak ramai2 tgk.
    According to today’s (30/5/2008) newspaper, the clip dah ditarik balik…

    Marhalim: No I do not have the video…the kids want to go to the beaches….they have enough of the planes already

  3. Shoo away the budak sekolah. Tell them hwne they join the RMAF, they’ll still be flying the Nuri!

  4. rasa mcm nak jadi juruterbang TUDM…hukhuk…boleh bawa sukhoi…waaa salute la…kalau blaja fizik pandai2 dulu kan boleh jadi pilot…teruja i

  5. why only subang? what abt us in the northern states? u r being unfair…. Bring it to the butterworth – the air show i mean. The live telecast by rtm was only up to end of the Sultan’s speech. I bet there wr more events after that…

  6. MeesterT, I dont think we r here for political issue..I m a northerner too. No matter which of the country we are living, we are still one as Malaysian. Let the politicians do all the politics.Dont let your party-based politics overshadow the fact of whats right or wrong.

    I m being neutral..

  7. Dude…get a grip……Subang is in Selangor….a PR state. Indeed it could be said that airshows bring about ingratitude….see LIMA…..:).

    It’s a conspiracy…….


  8. yesss
    sokong corejacque, don’t talk about politics here.
    Hopefully, next time ATM especially can arrange open day etc in another state around malaysia. Kasi rakyat buka mata dan minda sikit.
    Anyway, congrats to TUDM for the Jubli emas & open day. Memang puas hati, macam Mini LIMA

  9. yes what about the people in png. there is one rmaf base here why no open day what a waste.

  10. I for one believe that the RMAF has all its priorities wrong at this time and this is due to the lack of guidance and a clear understanding of its role in the security and defense of the nation. That guidance has necessarily to come from the political masters and ultimately from the rakyat.

    The RMAF wants to purchase AEW&C systems like the Erieye or Hawkeye. Unfortunately funding will not permit anything more than a token buy with insufficient platforms to provide the desired coverage or time on station. Without both, their value is severely diminished.

    We SHOULD be looking at HALE and MALE UAVs to provide persistent, high resolution surveillance of our territorial waters, with focus on the northern approaches of the Straits of Malacca and Sabah in particular. Persistent as in 24/7. Such cover would allow us to maximize our inadequate patrol and intercept capability to deal with piracy, smuggling, illegal immigration and illegal fishing. These are the pressing security issues and not conventional warfare and air superiority. It would also secure the extremely porous sea border with the Philippines with the continuing uncertainty with MILF and Abu Sayyaf.

    We do NOT have the ability to produce such platforms and much money has been pissed away on shiok sendiri projects like the Aerotiga.

    Equally the Nuri replacement program is NOT. The RMAF proposes to slash its rotorcraft capability, particularly in general lift. They want to pass the pemandu bas mission to the Army and just retain enough for their own needs and CSAR. This is so they can concentrate on being zoomies. That is of course bullshit since the RMAF transpo assets are consistently the most useful and in demand, if not super sexy. They don’t need gilded airframes but rather a large number of basic birds and a smaller number fully equipped for CSAR and SF support. I see nothing in the tender to indicate that this is the case.

    Everything that involves the gomen is political. It is your responsibility as a citizen to be informed and be ready to articulate your position. If see planes burn holes in the sky is a job well done, we’re screwed. Big time.


  11. To all readers.

    RMAF has submitted the enhancement and upgrade program to the government for approval. But as always, politician still have the final say what to have and vice versa. Same goes to the priorty, politician has the upper hand. RMAF will do the best to benifit the taxpayer money.


  12. saye ada mohon nak gi ktu… boley x citer sket x pjalanan saye.. karieer nk jadi pilot tudm..
    dan juga psl interview tu anti..

  13. ello..pameran ni smpi bila..dr bila smpi bila ni..please let me know!!!!

    Marhalim: Ini tahun lepas da…….tahun ni dengar cerita tak da budget….

  14. mana ada migs… sebiji jer mig TUDM punya buat ksi solo.. tapi lima mint jer..
    tapi i tgk F16 Thuderbirds USAF nya best… lama juga airshow diorang.. dekat 30 min.. puas tgk. tapi kena tgk kat vista point area Bukit jelutong..
    Tapi dalam seronok tu… sedih juga terbayang bagaimana orang iraq n afgan d bunuh oleh jenis jet2 yg sama oleh pilot2 Top Ace tu……. im sure they have completed their tour in Iraq n afgan before joining TB.

    Marhalim: Bang open day nih tahun lepas punya, Tbirds punya show tahun ni besok Oct 3, 2009….

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