TUDM 52nd anniversary

KUALA LUMPUR: TUDM celebrated its 52nd anniversary at the Kuala Lumpur Airbase on June 1, probably the last time the celebrations will be held at the historical airport.
The celebrations muted somewhat mostly probably due to budget constraints. Some aircraft took part in flypasts even in a diamond nine Su-30MKM formation but it was certainly muted compared to events celebrated during the Diamond anniversary two years ago.
Diamond Sukhoi
Sultan of Pahang. TUDM colonel-in-chief launched the new TUDM roadmap.
The roadmap will be the guide for the future development of the air force. However with the air force top brass well and truly a Fighter Mafia I am guessing we will have more fighters in the future, albeit MRCAs of course.

–Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2368 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Well 10 Sukhoi up in the air. A real joke as operationally is questionable but good for flypast brother!!! Tell the RMAF that people are not stupid and if you can’t even take care of the engine!!! Where is the missing engine. Will PAT and PTU take the responsibility and be accountable-or is the mystery still in Dubai!!!
    Sorry, can this kind of leadership be trusted to take care of the nation security? Zilch!!!
    sorry mate!!!

  2. Does the ”missing engine” saga indicate the whole RMAF is rotten from top to bottom and is totally inept?

    Granted this ”leadership” has gambled with our security but what stance has the opposition taken with regards to defence? Apart from criticizing and raising issues for political milage, has any senior opposition figure ever indicated what is PKR’s policy towards national defence and what approach it will take in the event of PKR evicting the current occupants of Putrajaya?

    Marhalim: Azlan… Sdr Eagle will forget more things about TUDM than the things we know about it…Thats the reason I approved his comments…..

  3. What has the 52nd anniversary flypast got to do with the missing engines?

    Marhalim, I’m not disputing the fact that Eagle probably knows much more about the RMAF than most, if not all here. I meant to of fence to Eagle. Nor was I trying to be overly critical of him. I stand by my comment however, that no senior opposition figure has indicated as to what direction they will take with regards to national defence should they form the next government. I think it’s about time they do so. I’m still waiting eagerly to hear what is PKr’s stand towards our defence and what

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