Defence Contract

The Merrier, HMAV and HMLTV, Part 2

SHAH ALAM: Earlier this year, Army chief General Hafizuddeain Jantan announced that the main procurement programme for this year will be the High Mobility Armoured Vehicle (HMAV) and the High Mobility Light Tactical Vehicle (HMLTV). During the interview at DSA 2024, Hafizuddeain expounded further on the procurement of both vehicles. […]

Defence Contract

Goose M4 Coming, Part 2. Updated

SHAH ALAM: Back in July 2023, Malaysian Defence reported that a tender for procurement, supply, testing and delivery of an 84mm anti-tank weapon system or the Saab Carl Gustav M4 – the latest version of the recoilless rifle – was floated on the Eperolehan website. The tender was for 110 […]

Defence Contract

Another Nail In ….

SHAH ALAM: Another nail in the coffin. According to the Defence Minister DS Hishammuddin Hussein last December, the ministry was finalising the National Defence and Security Industry blueprint (DIPKN) which will be published this year. The DIPKN was among the initiatives put forward by the Defence White Paper 2019 which […]