Defence Contract

Onwards and Beyond

SHAH ALAM: Undeterred by the recent setbacks to a much more resourceful competitor – Cendana Auto Sdn Bhd – is looking forward to compete in the next round of Army vehicles competition. Cendana has wrapped up deliveries of 207 4×4 vehicles ordered by the Army in 2019, comprising of 16 […]

Defence Contract

The Merrier, HMAV and HMLTV, Part 2

SHAH ALAM: Earlier this year, Army chief General Hafizuddeain Jantan announced that the main procurement programme for this year will be the High Mobility Armoured Vehicle (HMAV) and the High Mobility Light Tactical Vehicle (HMLTV). During the interview at DSA 2024, Hafizuddeain expounded further on the procurement of both vehicles. […]

Defence Contract

Cloudy with No Black Hawks in Sight

SHAH ALAM: Malaysian Defence in previous three postings had written on the headwinds in the introduction of the four Black Hawk helicopters leased for the Army’s Air Wing or Pasukan Udara Tentera Darat (PUTD). The contract for the four helicopters was signed at LIMA 2023. The current forecast is now […]

Defence Contract

The Merrier, HMAV and HMLTV

SHAH ALAM: IT appears that the Army main procurement programme this year will be the High Mobility Armoured Vehicle (HMAV) and the High Mobility Light Tactical Vehicle (HMLTV). Both are Kenderaan Jenis A or armoured vehicles. Army chief Gen Muhammad Hafizuddeain Jantan confirmed this in an interview with Harian Metro […]

Defence Contract

Malaysia is a Maritime Nation

SHAH ALAM: According to the 2019 Defence White Paper, Malaysia is a maritime nation. But not according to the latest plans announced by the Defence Minister at his new year address at Wisma Pertahanan today. DS Mohamad Hasan said the ministry will continue with the resumption of the LCS project […]

defence Industry

HMAV Out In The Wild

SHAH ALAM: HMAV out in the wild. Local company, Mildef International Technologies (Mildef) announced that its 4X4 High Mobility Armoured Vehicle (HMAV) had undergone some 1000km of testing on highway and off-road conditions with the Army. The Army’s vehicle evaluation unit conducted the testing from Feb. 21 to March 5 […]