No Problem, Malaysia, We Got Vietnam

Updated to say that Damen Schelde IS participating.

PETALING JAYA: The buzz in the industry is that Damen Schelde, the other finalist for the SGPV contract, has backed out from Lima 2011.

Damen Schelde has not responded to my email for confirmation but if its true, their decision to back out with the show just one month away, must certainly mean that the Sigma series has not been chosen for the SGPV/LCS/Frigate contract, which Boustead Naval Shipyard is the main contractor.

“Damen Schelde PR confirmed that it WILL be participating at Lima 2011”.

The decision, if true, will also allow us to assume that the Gowind the other finalist by French firm, DCNS will be the chosen design for RMN’s latest and greatest.

By the way, Israeli website Defense Update is reporting that Damen Schelde is not losing sleep over the failed RMN deal.”

“The Dutch Schelde shipyard in Vlissingen, Netherlands will build four Sigma corvettes for the Vietnamese Navy. The first two ships will be built in Vlissingen, and the last two will be built in Vietnam, under Dutch supervision.”

Yes, I know the RMN deal is much bigger. But its better than nothing.

–Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2369 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. Traditionally we have been buying our ships from either the UK or France/Germany and our sailors are more attuned to operating ships made by these manufacturing countries. Only thing to make sure is the NGPV nor Scopene issues does not rear its ugly head again and the choice is made on the recommendations of the users and it is not a political decision

  2. All major defence procurements are political decisions. The problems arise when the government does not properly administer the procurement process from information gathering and background review to supplier contact, negotiation and contract fulfillment. India has taken great steps forward in improving their defence procurement processes; Malaysia has not.

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