Merdeka, PT91 and Sukhois

KUALA LUMPUR: Happy Merdeka to everyone!

As promised Malaysian Defence went to Dataran Merdeka today not to be part of the Giant Parade but the chance to get close to Malaysian Army first MBT, the Polish made PT-91.

Six PT-91s made its debut at the parade, four on their own power and two on their Iveco tank transporters.

The tanks look great with their beaming crews wearing the almost traditional Russian leather tank helmets. The Army seemed to like camouflage so even the tank crews had their faces camoed.

I am posting the first pictures of the soon-to-be operational MBTS on the net. Do note the Sagem Electronics gunner and commander sights and their laser warning receivers.

As today is a public holiday, Malaysian Defence will reserved its comments on the PT-91 to another day.

Oh yeah, did the Sukhois performed during the parade? My ex-colleague of NST claimed that it did, he took part in the parade and an experience plane watcher so I have to accept his report.

Malaysian Defence was not at Dataran for the flypasts, as he rushed to Subang Airport hoping that the Sukhois would returned but alas, only the Hornets and Charlies made the trip. The Hawks and Fuclrucms based at Subang for the last one week apparently flew home to Kuantan after the flypast.

Enjoy the pictures and videos of the PT-91 and Happy Merdeka.

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About Marhalim Abas 2367 Articles
Shah Alam

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