Deferred Ninth Malaysian Plan Projects

Kuala Lumpur: Since the deferment of defence projects under the Ninth Malaysian Plan due to the economic crisis was announced last year, Malaysian Defence have been collecting news article and talking to people on the subject hoping to have a definitive list of these programmes.

True to our nature however, only a few public announcements were made and most of these were already well known. Since the defence projects slated for the 9MP were never made public in the first place, the blackout was expected but it also meant that we have to take the word of MINDEF of projects that have been deferred. Technically with our convoluted procurement process, everything the armed forces wanted, may well have been listed for in the five year development/procurement plan.

Malaysian Defence does not claim the list below is definitive nor can claim full veracity. Totally left out is the development projects like camps and other facilities. Since this is less sexy than arms purchase, even less is known about them!

The official deferment list is with Pak Lah, Najib, PAT and the service’s chiefs. MINDEF top officials are also in the loop as well as those in the Finance Ministry and many others well. Malaysian Defence do not have the security clearance to obtain such documents, which is fine as even if I did has access to the document, I would not be able to share it! With that in mind, the only reason, the Malaysian Defence list is documented here is to act as a guide when the 10th Malaysian Plan is tabled.

In the past some projects that was deferred to the next five year plan due financial reasons had to make way for other projects, with less military importance but major National Interest prominence! Malaysian Defence must also point out that inclusion in the Malaysian Plan is not a iron clad guarantee that a project will be funded. Otherwise, our boys in Lebanon will not be patrolling in their Condors.

The Nuri Replacement Programme is not listed as it was to be funded under a special allocation from the PM’s Department (the allocation was made in 2007) following the Genting Sempah crash. If its revive in the 10thMP it will surely cut into the Armed Forces 20 Year Modernisation Plan. The original time-line for the Nuri replacement has slipped back to the 11thMP

Three of the projects listed below were the lynchpin of the modernisation plan, notably the MPSS, AEW and Super Hornet. If there is any hope of the armed forces plan to be realised within the next decade, tenders for the projects must be issued now so when the funds are available, the procurement can proceed as soon as possible.

Malaysian Defence List of Deferred Defence Projects Under 9MP

Multi Purpose Support Ship.
During Lima 2007, DPM Najib announced that at least one MPSS will built in 9MP with the second ship to be funded under the preceding Malaysian Plan. While Malaysian Defence disagree with the main reason for funding such ships, the Somalia anti-piracy operations have boosted the proponents of the project. Indeed, our support ships are old and lacking facilities but these ships are maintenance extensive. With our limited funding and the same time the lack of patrol ships, Malaysian Defence wonders whether there enough funds will be committed to both of these important projects. This will be the first programme to be revived once funds are available. It must be noted that both our southern neighbours have modern landing ships (Singapore, 4; Indonesia, 2 with 2 more coming) while Thailand has an aircraft carrier. The Indonesian ships reportedly cost US$19.9 million each.

Wheeled APC Replacement Programme.
This programme has been still-born since it was first announced soon after the Somalia UN mission. Financial reasons have been cited widely for the delays but for Malaysian Defence, it was mostly due to the National Interest mentality. When money was available, funds were instead made available for other programmes, like the Adnan APC, PT-91M MBT and the MLRS regiments. This time around, the economic crunch was yet another excuse to defer the programme leaving the Condor and Sibmas to soldier on for an unforeseeable future. Patria’s AMV came out tops during trials conducted two years ago although Piranha IV remained the favourite of those involved in the selection process, mostly due to the local manufacturing arrangements which had been in placed since the last ten years.


Further Reading: Patria AMV

FS2000 Batch 2 Programme.
Malaysian Defence described the programme as another National Interest project due to the decision to built these two frigate, an updated version of the Jebat/Lekiu frigates, at the Sabah shipyard. It was this turn of events that forced the hand of the prime contractor BAE Systems to add in a risk clause to the cost of the frigate, ballooning it to a reported cost of more than RM3 billion each. The huge expense caused even MINDEF to blink and the delays in negotiations meant that the project was among the economic crisis first casualties. The RMN had proposed that both ships be built in the peninsula to reduce the cost but there wasn’t enough time to avoid the economic-crunch imposed deferment. Since the ships weren’t supposed to be build until 2010 (they need to prepare the yard and trained its workers), Malaysian Defence believed that the only partial funding was supposed to come from the 9MP with the rest coming from successive plans. Malaysian Defence have been told that if the ships were to built in the UK, the frigate would only cost RM1.5 billion each.

Further Reading: Batch 2 Frigates

PV Second Batch.
If not for the folly of awarding the PV project to Sdr Amin Shah, the second PV batch would be in the yards already. As it is, the delays into the programme had sunk any chance of the second batch to be build during the current five year plan. With four ships commissioned and two more on line, the PV project is up and running with all the flaws and warts created by the delays. There is still no word whether funding will be made available for the weapon systems that were supposed to be installed on these ships when the need arises. Furthermore, we paid for ships fitted for helicopters and its associated equipment but funding for embarked helos remained elusive and uncertain.

Further Reading: PV Project Fiasco

Additional Super Lynx
RMN have a requirement for six more Super Lynx optimised for anti-submarine warfare. See above

Additional Hawks
With the impending arrival of the Aermacchi MB-339CM, it was planned that additional Hawks would be purchased as attrition replacement and the whole fleet would be reconstituted as a light attack squadron while the fast jet training pipeline was supposed to be conducted on the Macchis alone.

AEW Programme
Talk was abound last year (before the inflation crisis) that the Government had finally given the clearance for the purchase of the AEW aircraft. The Saab Eireye radar was reportedly the chosen system fitted on the Saab 2000 aircraft. Two systems were supposed to be contracted from 9MP funding with at least another two in the successive plans. The armed forces stated requirement is for eight jet-powered AEW platform.

Army Small Arms Replacement Programme
In 2007, MINDEF floated various tenders for small arms from pistols, assault and sniper rifles plus 5.56mm, 7.62mm and grenade machine guns. Obviously the programme did not survived the cuts. With the army not receiving new small arms in the near future, Malaysian Defence hopes that MINDEF will continue fund the small arms spares and parts programme, otherwise we will be defending our borders with rocks and sticks! Small purchases for elite units of the army continues despite the cuts but for the big army, the 12,000 M4s procured in 2007 will not be supplemented soon

Super Hornet Procurement
The Super Hornet remained an essential programme for the RMAF despite the selection of the Sukhoi Su-30MKM for the MRCA programme. It would have been difficult to induct into service the American-made strike fighters during the current campaign to boycott US products, but the economic crunch meant that we do not have that conundrum!

Further reading: Super Hornet vs Flankers

Medium Range SAMs
In 2004, the government in principle had agreed to purchase the Chinese KS-1A medium range SAMs and in return, China will transfer the technology to SME Ordnance to manufacture the FN-6 Manpads locally. The deal was brokered by China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) local agent, Aneka Bekal Sdn Bhd. DPM Najib had said if the negotiations was finalised, the procurement would be financed during the 9MP. Since that MOU signing, little has been said about the deal, and the slashing of the defence 9MP budget was the final nail in the coffin.

Further reading: KS-1A SAM System

M4 SOPMOD Package
Since we bought the iron sighted and accessories-bare M4, the SOPMOD package was certainly part of the procurement programme. With optical sights and laser pointer costing more than RM20,000 each it would have been a huge windfall for the preferred local agent. The agent should be satisfied with small purchases for elite units, however.

Further Reading: Sopmod package

To be Updated

Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2367 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. more reason for the military to give a good excuse for increased funding (if they haven’t tried already)

    * securing our nation
    * protection from encroachment, “pendatang haram”
    * securing our international trades lines in somalia ( we only have the busiest straits in the world)
    * protection for our boys for UN missions…

    in the end, what justification that we need to protect ourselves? until somebody decide to invade us? but then again, money alone is not good enough if we don’t know how to manage it.

  2. It really makes depressing reading, the mess we’re in. Officially, the government talks about recognising the sacrifices our armed forces make and the importance of national security, yet out whole defence procument strategy remains in shambles. Granted, there’s an economic slowdown, but if we had spent our money in a wiser way, the MAF would be better equipped.

    Due to ‘politics’ and ‘certain interests’, we remain locked on BAE Systems. For less than 3 billion each, the South Koreans could deliver a frigate -probably even bigger with better endurance and seakeeping and with higher weapons/electronics specs- faster that whats been planned.

  3. We are trying to be the very best in every single thing that came up in this world ( commerce, automotive, defence, education, space and so on..) , yet never have we reached any of significant achievement that we can be proud off about, due to our ill conceived and brittle foundations of our policies of everything.

    The GOM should focus on one segment first and then shift to another.. then the other…and so on..So that in public’s view and most importantly to the servicemen, and women, at least the justification made by MAF that priority of finance are to be channelled into other more important sectors look more convincing rather than just making it a diversion to cover up the impending rampant situation that the MAF are facing in today’s reality.

  4. there are a few incorrect information.
    1 the PVs are almost ready, the real situation is 2 commissioned, 2 sea trial, and 2 ready for sea trial.
    2 2nd batch PVs were never in the 9th RMK.
    3 there is no decision made for the AEW. Eireye is just a public idol.
    4 there is actually no confirm news for KS-1A. However less than a dozen of FN-6 was bought. And recently reported a battery will be procure, fitted with Thales IFF sys.

    my opinion,
    MPSS is more than just a military procurement, it is actually part of the national infrastructure. Non of the RMN vessel can deploy two medium size copper. Fennec type helicopter contribute nothing in a disaster relief event. While the new MPSS offers the possibility of managing 3-4 copper at an instance, which is the bottom line for a relief mission.

    Marhalim: 1) I said four PV commissioned as it was the Navy people which called Kelantan and Perak as KD.
    2) Yes the PV second batch is part the 9MP.
    3) I had three different sources who said it was on.
    4) Yes, the KS-1A was never actually confirmed for the MR SAM programme. But as the tender was not floated, only feelers were sent out and the fact that only the KS-1A was actually publicly announced and the fact that it was a National Interest project, it had to be mentioned as part of the MR SAM programme.

  5. Marhalim,

    Do you know when the Gomba ambulances were delivered? With the Westar van, the army has added yet another vehicle type to an already diverse soft skin fleet. With the Sanyong jeeps to be used for ataff work\/liasion, theres no need for any armour protection. But surely someone in MINDEF would have pointed out, that as weapons carriers, the Spanish Humvees should receive some armour protection. Events in Iraq and Aghanistan have led to the Canadians, Brits and Yank investing in mine protected vehicles and armour upgrades for the their soft skins. Not for the Malaysian army unfortunatly… Well I guess it allright as long as nobody shooting at us.

    Something off topic. I read recently that the RMAF had intended to buy JDAM for the F/A-18s but money wasn’t available for the necessary software upgrades. Yet, just recently, 30 million was allocated to the new officers mess at Mindef. No one can accuse us of not getting our priorities right.

    Marhalim: Gomba ambulances? The utility vans were purchased to replace the Inokom MPV bought some 10 years back which were literally falling part when they were first introduced into service. None of our weapon carriers are meant for overseas work, unless those countries weather are like us so to reduce the amount of cost to modify them. That was one of the main reason we sent Condors to Lebanon. On the F/A18, I was not aware of the interest on JDAM but most of the time, our Hornets continue to receive modifications as part of the support package from Boeing. That is why the RMAF loves the Hornets so much, much of the maintenance and upgrades are part of the procurement (though we have to pay extra for the upgrades). Anyways I dont think the upgrades you mentioned were denied due to cost issues, most probably the fleet have already wired for JDAMs as part of the latest upgrades. Presumably, the unavailable money was for the hardware and training systems associated with the JDAMs and the cost of the bombs themselves.

  6. well, then the official must be having different opinion on the 2 & 3, which leads me to think they did not come up with any conclusion.

  7. Marhalim

    I agree with Littlehui, the 2nd batch is not part of 9MP. NGPVs referred to in the 9MP is the first batch, which are are largely completed under the 9MP. Similarly no Superhornets in the 9MP. Probably you confused that with the Sukhois which are funded largely from the 9MP as well.

    Marhalim: As I mentioned in the post, I cannot claim full veracity for the list but I must admit, I am pretty comfortable with it. The second batch PVs are three of the main projects that the navy was pursuing before the economic crisis. During a press conference at DSA last year, the navy chief was talking about the need for the government to fund the second batch as quickly as possible as well as the additional Super Lynx and the MPSS. I did not pursue whether these three projects were those listed under 9MP but subsequent checks showed these were the programmes under 9MP. The PV project is important to the armed forces not only for its operational purposes but also the fact that the company running the project is part of the military pension corporation is a major equation in the story. Pak Lah if you might remember also realised the importance of the project and had promised that it would be re-instated as soon as possible.

    The time line (as told to me by an NDSB official during a visit there) for the PV project when it was first approved (1998) was the first 6 plus some RM200 (perhaps more) million for the then NDSB to build up the Lumut Dockyard (the money was supposed to come from the Seventh and Eight MP. The second batch 10, was supposed to come from the Eight and Ninth MP and another 11 was to come from Ten and 11 MP.

    As I stated in my post, being shortlisted under the Malaysian Plan does not mean that a project will be funded, it is a long list I am told. As one former planning chief told me that since whether or not a project is funded depends entirely on the government of the day, so the best thing they do is put a list in a basket (such as the Malaysian Plan) and hope that it will be chosen and funded.

    I know many are skeptical that the Super Hornet project was in the 9MP but…

  8. Azlan, I wrote the JDAM story two-three years ago for Janes on the lack of funding and last year or late 2007 wrote a story that the software upgrades were being done, BTW 30 million is not much in USD and would not be enough to cover upgrades anyway.


  9. Thanks for the input Marhalim. I was refering to the 33 Gomba Stonefield ambulances. I don’t know if they are still in service or when they entered service. I suspect they were delivered in the 70’s or 80’s, which means they are probably no longer in service.

    The report on the JDAM was in IDR.

  10. Dzirhan, I liked your article on the local defence industry in IDR. Sure, 30 million ringgit won’t be enough to cover any software upgrades. I mentioned it as an example of how money is fritted away. That 30 million would have bought quite a few scopes for the M4s or body armour, instead it went to the officers mess.

    Looking forward to seeing more articles from you in the future.

    Marhalim: Janes magazines are too expensive for most mortals. The F/A-18 support contracts continue as this release from the US DOD dated Dec 19, 2008.

    “McDonnell Douglas Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Boeing Co., St Louis, Mo., is being awarded an cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract with an estimated value of $905,344,762 for support services required to enhance the F/A-18A/B, C/D, E/F, and EA-18G aircraft with a series of System Configuration Sets (SCSs). These enhancements will support F/A-18 aircraft operated by the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and the Governments of Canada, Australia, Spain, Kuwait, Switzerland, Finland and Malaysia. Work will be performed in St. Louis, Mo. (95 precent) and at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, Calif. (5 precent), and is expected to be completed in Dec. 2013. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, China Lake, Calif., is the contracting activity (N68936-09-D-0002).”

  11. I’ve found out that the 33 Gomaba Stonefields ambulances were delivered in the mid-80’s, so are probably lying in a scrapyard. [A friend of mine regularly visits some scrapyards in Ipoh and over the past 3 years, has seen some South Korean jeeps, Ferrets and a Sibmas ARV. The scrapyard owner offered to sell the Sibmas ARV for 16,000! Also seen at the scrapyard were some British trucks that were give to the army by the UK for use in Bosnia] Apart from some normal trucks, I seem to recall the army receiving some Land Rovers, comms and DROPS equipped trucks for Bosnia, from the UK.

    Apart from the large Land Rover fleet, 6 MAN 8x8s carrying the Vickers bridge and the TRAS-3D radars, Handalans, Pinzgauers, G-Wagons, and the recently ordered South Korean Sangyongs and Spanish Humvees, the army also operates 19 2 Tonne 4×4 IVECO M4010 Field Ambulances and 4 2 Ton 4×4 IVECO M4012 Satellite Communication Vehicles. Anyone seen the Ivecos being driven? I’m not sure what the prime movers for the G-5s are, but I think Volvos were used for the

    Also Marhalim, can you or anyone in the forum provide any info on the army’s Land Rover fleet… What models are still in service and have any new Land Rovers entered service in recent times?

    Marhalim: I have seen the Iveco ambulances on various occasions, but not the satellite com vehicle. I believe the Iveco was also used as the COM vehicle for the Eagle ARV while the Gomba, as you said may well be in some scrap yard already. The Land Rover Defender 110 Single Cab is most prevalent, no new contracts have been made public so far. Land Rover Malaysia tried to sell the Double Cab version but the Spanish Humvee was chosen. The G5s prime mover, I believe are the AMDAC/MAN.

  12. apa susah nak baca janes, pegi bilik ksu, duduk kat sofa for guests tu, bersepah ade.hehe.

    Marhalim: the ksu will have a fit if I were to saunter his office for chit-chat. I have the reputation of being overtly aggressive, in the journalistic sense of course….

  13. I think I saw couple of those GOMBAs at the Army Museum in PD. By the way, aren’t the COM vehicle for Eagle ARV is a HICOM Perkasa truck? If I’m not mistaken it’s a deriative of Isuzu truck.

    Marhalim, is true that some of the DROPS equipped trucks supplied to our boys in Bosnia were from Pesaka Astana?

    Marhalim: I could be wrong, I distinctly remember that it was the Iveco truck parked at the runway at Lima 2005 was an Iveco truck. I am not sure whether those are Pesaka Astana or not.

  14. The DROPS trucks given by the UK government were Leyland. For Bosnia use, PLCE bergens, Matterhorn boots and DPM Artic smocks were issued. In recent photos, some troops are still seen using the PLCE bergens.

  15. Azlan

    “[A friend of mine regularly visits some scrapyards in Ipoh and over the past 3 years, has seen some South Korean jeeps, Ferrets and a Sibmas ARV. The scrapyard owner offered to sell the Sibmas ARV for 16,000! Also seen at the scrapyard were some British trucks that were give to the army by the UK for use in Bosnia] ”

    Do you have any address details of these yard as was going to go get some pictures?




    Pembelian super hornet adalah 1 tindakan yang merugikan dan tidak masuk akal. Apakah kita ingin menggulangi pembelian jet pejuang yang CACAT seperti F/A18D dulu..?? Hornet adalah digunakan untuk di aircraft carrier. Malaysia perlu mencari jet yang lebih hebat daripada jet2 pejuang negara jiran yang lain,bukannya mengikut rentak mereka dan teknologi yang lama. Malaysia juga memerlukan jet pejuang 5th Generation untuk mengimbangi jet JSF-35 Singapura nanti. Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang dianggap saingan bagi negara-negara jiran lain, kerana berpotensi menjadi satu kuasa ketenteraan yang termaju.
    Kenaikan bajet untuk ketenteraan juga perlu ditambah dengan segera,memandangkan Malaysia merupakan salah sebuah negara yang memberikan bajet terendah untuk ketenteraan nya berbanding negara asia yang lain.


    Malaysia juga memerlukan Attack Helicopter memandangkan Malaysia satu-satunya negara asia yang tidak memilikinya. Sedangkan Indonesia negara yang mempunyai nilai kewangan yang rendah berbanding Malaysia juga sudah atau mampu memiliki nya.


    Marhalim: Utk pengetahuan, pesawat Hornet merupakan aset TUDM yang paling siap siaga berbanding pesawat yng lain, tentang attack helicopter, kita tak mampu untk memilikinya kerana keperluan lain yang lebih penting…Sekarang ini tiada pesawat 5th generation fighter melainkan F-22 (yang tidak eksport) dan juga F-35. Jadi kalau sekiranya ingin mengimbangi mungkin kita perlu membeli JSF….

  17. Saya terpanggil untuk memberi pendapat kepada En.Since_87. Pesawat Sukhoi-30MKM sudah cukup hebat untuk bersaing dengan aset2 negara jiran cuma kita mungkin memerlukan lebih lagi dalam lebi kurang 20-30 buah jet lagi. Tetapi mengikut peruntukan kerajaan, kita akan memperolehi 18 unit pesawat lagi untuk memenuhi keperluan Multi-Role Combat Aircraft.

    Pesawat Generasi-5 sememangnya tiada varian eksport lagi dan Malaysia seharunya membeli atau mencipta sendiri teknologi Gen-5 supaya ada model senjata sendiri.

    Keperluan helikopter penyerang adalah kurang penting di Malaysia kerana negara kita berhutan tebal dan helikopter penyerang adalah lebih baik bagi keadaan seperti hutan Mediterannian atau Gurun. Ini kerana taktik peperangan guerilla biasa digunakan di hutan dan kepentingan strategik negara terletak di tengah2 laut yang memerlukan lebih pesawat pejuang, helikopter pengangkut, kapal pemusnah dan kapal selam berbanding helikopter penyerang.

    Marhalim: Terimakasih atas pandangan Sdr. Memang mungkin pesawat Flanker TUDM cukup untuk berdaya saing dengan pesawat pejuang lain di rantau ini walaupun dari bilangan kita perlu menambahkan bilangannya sehingga sekurang2nya 4 skdn. Walau bagaimanapun utk memerah sepenuhnya keupayaan pesawat tersebut kita perlu utk menyediakan dalm RM20 billion lagi untuk menyediakan pesawat sokongan (tanker, Awacs, EW dan juga UAVs). Saya rasa kita tidakj mampu untuk berbelanja begitu banyak untuk menyediakan semua itu.

    Tentang pembinaan 5th Gneration FIghter, saya rasa kita tidak mampu, dari segi kewangan, teknologi, infrastruktur dan keanggotaan untuk melakukan secara bersendirian. JIka bergabung dgn negara OIC lain, mungkin kita hanya dapat faktor kewangan sahaja. Mungkin lebih baik lebih baik kalau kita bergabung dengan Rusia dan India yang sedang berusaha untuk membuat pesawat generasi kelima walaupun perkembangan terbaru kedua negara tersebut tidak lah begitu memberangsangkan.

    Tentang attack helicopter, kita juga tidak mampu dari segi kewangan, infrastruktur dan keanggotaan buat masa ini untuk mengoperasi sepenuhnya pesawat demikian buat masa ini. Saya sudah syorkan jikalau boleh pesawat A109LOH di tambah untuk memberi peluang juruterbang TD untuk menimba pengalaman untuk mengoperasikan helicopter penyerang dahulu, sebelum sebarang rancangan pembelian di muktamadkan….

  18. agree with u Mohd Syameer. attack helicopter its suitable for medditeranian dan desert topography, just adding A109LOH for PUTD and its more practical that attack helicopter. just a civilian opinion…

    Marhalim: Little Birds would have been much better the Agustas and the PUTD is so 50s,,,,,

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