Defence Contract

Further Delays to First LCS

SHAH ALAM: The delay in nationalisation of Boustead Naval Shipyard (BNS) is also causing a delay in resumption of work for the first LCS – PCU Maharaja Lela. Confirming this today in a press conference in Parliament, Defence Minister DSU Mohamad Hasan said work on the first ship will only […]

Public Accounts Committee

PAC Report on LCS October 9 2023

SHAH ALAM: The Public Accounts Committee has made public its report on the LCS today which covers the period from October 2022 to May 2023. The report did not reveal anything much of about the project apart from confirming in a roundabout way that the LCS cost will go higher […]

Joint Force Headquarters

Malbatt Disposing Retired B-Class Vehicles

SHAH ALAM: The Malaysian unit in UNIFIL – Malbatt 10 – is disposing of its B-class (unarmoured) vehicles which were retired following the acceptance of new ones. The disposal of the Land Rover FFR vehicles and five-tonne trucks were conducted by the element workshop of the unit and Lebanese contractors. […]