PGB Holder Now JF COS

Maj Jen Khairul Anuar Abdul Aziz inspecting the guard of honour for the handing over ceremony. Note that his PGB medal is now on the right side of his ribbon. On top of his right pocket is the Condor badge, signifying his mechanized roots and on the left is the Senjata Bantuan badge, meaning he was qualified in support weapons. Further down the pocket is the Armed Forces Staff college badge and a China staff academy college on the left pocket of his bush jacket or the Army number 2 uniform. The badges meant he had graduated from them. He has also a Thai parachute wing on top of his name tag likely awarded to him when he was the 30th Brigade commander. The brigade is responsible for Malaysian-Thai border from Perlis to Kelantan. JF Picture

SHAH ALAM: The country’s highest ranking decorated serviceman Mejar Jeneral Khairul Anuar Abd Aziz has been appointed as the chief of staff of the Joint Force Headquarters. Khairul Anuar took over from Mejar Jeneral Fazal Abdul Rahman, who according to JF release has been appointed as the commander of the Second Infantry Division.

Khairul Anuar was awarded with Pingat Gagah Berani, the country’s second highest gallantry award for the Bakara Market incident in Somalia. He is the highest-ranking decorated serviceman following the retirement of SP holder, Deputy Commissioner Abdul Razak Yusof in February 2023. Khairul Anuar became the highest decorated soldier when Fifth Division commander Mej Jeneral Abdul Halim Khalid retired in June 2022. Abdul Halim received the PGB for his action in the Benadir court incident in Somalia, just weeks before the Bakara market one.

Maj Jen Khairul Anuar Abdul Aziz (left) posed with his predecessor Maj Jen Fazal Abdul Rahman. With them (centre) is JF Headquarters commander Leftenan Jeneral Noor Mohamad Akmar Mohd Dom.

The highest decorated police officer in service currently.

The release from JF HQ.

πŒπ€π‰π‹πˆπ’ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐇 π“π„π‘πˆπŒπ€ 𝐓𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐒 πŠπ„π“π”π€ 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐅 πŒπ€π‘πŠπ€π’ π€ππ†πŠπ€π“π€π ππ„π‘π’π€πŒπ€ (𝐌𝐊 𝐀𝐁)
KUANTAN, 30 Ogos 24 – Majlis Serah Terima Tugas Ketua Staf MK AB telah berlangsung di Auditorium Mat Kilau, Markas Angkatan Bersama, Kem Al-Sultan Abdullah melibatkan penyerahan tanggungjawab di antara Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman dan Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Khairul Anuar bin Abd Aziz.
Majlis ini disaksikan oleh Panglima Angkatan Bersama (PAB), Leftenan Jeneral Dato’ Noor Mohamad Akmar bin Mohd Dom TUDM. Selain itu, diadakan juga majlis penghargaan untuk Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman sebagai tanda terima kasih daripada seluruh warga Markas Angkatan Bersama atas dedikasi beliau selama memegang jawatan sebagai Ketua Staf MK AB sejak 14 Mac 23 hingga 30 Ogos 24.
Mejar Jeneral Dato’ Hj Fazal bin Hj Abdul Rahman akan bertukar keluar sebagai Panglima 2 Divisyen di Markas Divisyen Kedua Infantri Malaysia. Kepada Ketua Staf baharu, selamat datang dan selamat menjalankan tugas, semoga kecemerlangan terus menyinari Markas Angkatan Bersama.

JF Headquarters top leadership, Lt Jen Akmar Noor and his new COS, Mej Jen Khairul Anuar Abdul Aziz.

The other PGB holder still in service with the Army is Colonel Juraimy Ariffin who is now the commandant of the Non-Commissioned Officer College of the Army Training Academy in Port Dickson. Juraimy was also awarded the PGB for his actions during the Bakara Market incident.
Mej Jen Khairul Anuar Abdul Aziz saluting the guard of honour.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2368 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. The other 2 Generals have a bluewish badge on their right pocket, earned from a foreign staff college?

  2. It is interesting that Leftenan Jeneral Noor Mohamad Akmar Mohd Dom is still wearing the old camo pattern and not the RMAF digital one. .

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