Medium Cargo Parachutes and PPEs for Army Firemen

The new PPE for the Army's firefighting service. Note the MSA Gallet fire fighting helmet. Army.

SHAH ALAM: The Army will be taking delivery of five medium cargo parachutes and thirty sets of firemen personal protection equipment, according to two separate posts by the Royal Service Corps – Kor Perkhidmatan DiRaja on its Facebook page.

The cargo parachutes and PPE are among the slew of quotation notices published by the Ordnance Group of the Army starting early these year. Most of these notices had seven day deadline for submitting bids and a delivery deadline of ninety-days. As they are QN, the maximum limit of the cost is RM500,000. The QN for the cargo parachutes was published on June 11 and closed on June 18.

Measuring the bag. Army.

The RM450,557 LOA for the medium cargo parachutes was awarded to NCOAM Technologies Sdn Bhd. The public specifications for them:
Checking out the parachute. This is likely the sample provided by the winning bidder as stipulated by the quotation notice. Army.

Future operation environment will require a lean and modular based, force projection Army, capable of conducting full spectrum combat operations. Therefore, aerial delivery will continue to play an increasingly vital role in supporting the distribution system necessary to meet the requirements of the force. How the receiving unit gets the supplies depends, in large part, on the needs of the unit. These need will drive the selection of aircraft, methods, and rigging equipment used. The decision process requires weighing the numerous aerial delivery advantages and disadvantages to determine whether airdrop, air-land, or sling load best suits the operational environment.

The infographic on the G12 medium cargo parachute. Army.

The graphic above from the RSC post give us some of the specifications of the medium cargo parachutes being delivered. It is likely that the parachute shown in the pictures by RSC is the sample which must be submitted when bidding for the QN. The sample is to confirm whether the item bid met the general staff requirements.
Checking the sample parachute.

For the record, another QN for G 11 cargo parachute was also published on the same day as for the G 12 parachutes. The LOA of RM450,500.01 was awarded to YHCM Sdn Bhd for three G 11 parachutes.

The Facebook post for the cargo parachutes:

Pasukan 10 Kompeni KPD (Para) bakal menerima Medium Cargo Parachute G-12D yang akan dibekalkan pada Disember tahun 2024. Perolehan payung kargo ini terdiri daripada Medium Cargo Parachute 64ft beserta 68 inch Pilot Chute. Fungsi Medium Cargo Parachute G-12D adalah digunakan dalam melaksanakan Aerial Delivery Operation melalui guguran udara jenis Low Velocity Airdrop bagi muatan jenis Container Delivery System (CDS) dari Pengkalan Pelancar ke Zon Gugur supaya muatan dapat digugurkan dengan selamat.
Ciri-ciri payung ini adalah dihasilkan dengan bentuk flat circular dengan diameter 64ft beserta 64 gore dan 8 section bagi memastikan payung ini mampu menggugurkan muatan yang berat tanpa sebarang masalah. Secara amnya payung kargo jenis G-12D ini mampu mengugurkan berat muatan dari 501 lbs hingga 2,200 lbs.
Dengan perolehan ini, secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan lagi kompetensi Krew Hantaran Udara bagi melaksanakan latihan dan aturgerak 10 Kom KPD (Para) dalam memberi bantuan logistik udara kepada barisan hadapan.

The infographic on the PPE.

As for the firemen PPE, the QN was published on May 14 and closed on May 21. The LOA of RM297,000 is awarded to Aero Art Sdn Bhd.
A soldier wearing the PPE. Like the parachute it is likely that this is the sample PPE provided by the winning bidder.

Kuantiti 30
There is a requirement to equip the Malaysian Army firefighter personnel with Firefighter Protective Suit. The equipment shall be used primarily in the conduct of fire fighting operation and to protect personal wearing. The Fireman Protective Suit shall be a two piece suit consists of a coat and a trousers. It shall be light weight, comfortable, does not hinder movement and easily worn with aid by a
2nd person. It shall also be compatible with any self contained brathing apparatus. The Fireman Protective Suit shall meet the requirement of National Fire Protective Association (NFPA) Standard 1971 Act or European Standard EN 469 on protective clothing for fire fighting based on International Fire Safety Standard

The PPE from the back.

The Facebook post by RSC:

Stesen Bomba TD bakal menerima sebanyak 30 set Firefighter Personnel Protective Equipment (Firefighter PPE) yang akan dibekalkan pada awal Tahun 2025. Perolehan Firefighter PPE ini terdiri daripada Firefighter Suit, Helmet, Glove, Hood dan Boot. Fungsi _Firefighter PPE adalah memberi perlindungan kepada Krew Bomba TD terhadap bahaya api dan haba kebakaran, perlindungan kepada bahan kimia berbahaya dan perlindungan kecederaan semasa melaksanakan operasi kebombaan dan penyelamatan.
Lapisan luar Firefighter PPE dibuat daripada campuran benang sintetik tahan api (aramid) Nomex dan Kevlar (memberikan sifat tahan api serta kekuatan). Manakala lapisan dalam terdiri daripada lapisan – lapisan membrane, thermal barrier dan lining (bahan kalis air bagi memastikan Krew Bomba TD sentiasa kering).
Semoga perolehan ini memberi impak positif dan meningkatkan moral pegawai dan Krew Stesen Bomba TD dalam melaksanakan operasi kebombaan dan penyelamatan.

The PPE set for Army Bomba personnel.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2356 Articles
Shah Alam

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