SHAH ALAM: RMN’s First Regional Headquarters or Markas Wilayah 1 (Mawilla 1) has issued a quotation notice for the supply and delivery of echo sounders for KD Terengganu pennant number 174 and KD Pahang, pennant number 172.
The advertisement for the echo-sounders was published on October 20 and closes on October 27. Based on the public specifications of the notice, I believed they want the Skipper ESN200 navigational echo sounder. From the company’s website: Jotron SKIPPER AS is a Norwegian ISO9001:2015 approved manufacturer of IMO Wheelmarked Echo Sounders and Speed Logs for Navigation.
The SKIPPER ESN200 is a navigation Echo Sounder with a black box and a 9″ touch display. The Echo Sounder graphics are continuously shown on the screen along with complete navigational details. Most of the functions are automatic. The ESN200 is a dual frequency Echo Sounder.

There is no indicative cost for the echo-sounders but since this is a notice and not a tender, I believed that both will cost less than RM500,000. I am not sure of the actual cost though for this civilian specced echo sounder though.
It is interesting to note that the notice was published some two months after another Mawilla 1 vessel, KD Pendekar, sank after hitting an underwater object. Pendekar was equipped with an echo-sounder, I am told. Checks showed that the Kedah class ships are equipped with the L-3 ELAC Nautik NDS-3060 Obstacle Avoidance sonar.
Both Terengganu and Pahang should also be fitted with the new RESM which were shipped to Mawilla 1 in early 2023.
Meanwhile, Deputy Defence Minister Adly Zahari told Parliament today that the Malaysian Armed Forces was at its optimum to face the challenges in the South China Sea. He said the security situation in the SCS were under control and open to all maritime comunities.
🔹Aset pertahanan negara pada tahap optimum, sedia hadapi sebarang ancaman keselamatan maritim terutama di perairan Laut China Selatan
🔹Situasi keselamatan di Laut China Selatan selamat dan terkawal, kekal bebas dan terbuka untuk komuniti maritim
🔹Malaysia akan… pic.twitter.com/szTyjKX0xV
— BERNAMA (@bernamadotcom) October 21, 2024
— Malaysian Defence
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Skipper ESN200
its a depthsounder, so it measures the water depth beneath the ship, not really detecting any obstacles in front of a ship.
ESN 200 – USD1,500
Transducer – USD1,200
SB-100 sea valve – USD8,000
All ships have a echo sounder, even the CB-90’s. In this case the ones on Kedahs are probably soon to be inoperable due to age. Makes me wonder what else needs replacing in the short term due to age.
… – “so it measures the water depth beneath the ship, not really detecting any obstacles in front of a ship”
As the designations imply; one’s an “echosounder” and the other’s an “obstacle avoidance” sonar which BTW can also to a degree be used to measure depth.
RESM, Echo sounders…. they really buying everything for the Kedah class ships, except for the for the anti ship missile and RAM. these 1,800 tons ships with small calibre guns are basically just big target practice for Chinese coast guard
No lah, those are the bare minimums to kept the ships out at sea.The 76mm main gun of the Kedah class are as big as the China ones apart from those on the destroyers. As it is, gun to gun they are comparable.
Paint those Kedahs in white, with APMM stripes,
then it will really be comparable to those Chinese Coast Guard ships.
The RMN needs tbe hulls and the part where the MMEA might not want them or find them suitable is always missing from the narrative.
daus “calibre guns are basically just big target practice for Chinese coast guard”
What nonsense. Are we at war with China? Were the Kedahs intended to be used in combat against the Chinese coast guard?
Have no idea what with the obsession with transferring the Kedah to mmea.
A new opv like tun Fatimah cost 250 mil while a surface combatants be it the Ada or k130 batch 2 would cost upward of a billion.
Turning the Kedah to a CG opv mean throwing out the equivalent of 750 mil in equipment.
Zaft – “Have no idea what with the obsession with transferring the Kedah to mmea*.
On paper it’s logical. In really the MMEA might not want or them; that’s missing from the narrative. Another point of that when the RMB is finally able or willing; the Kedahs will be somewhat aged. The assumption is that the MMEA will want and need the Kedahs which merely have to be stripped of certain things.
Nice at the same time RSN lays the keel for their first MRCV which projected to enter service before 2030.
Hallelujah for the RSN. At the same time the RNZN lost it’s 1st ship at sea since WW2.