All Terrain Tactical Assault E-Bike for Police

The Surron Light Bee X specs.

SHAH ALAM: Back in April, Malaysian Defence wrote that the Army has bought fourty-five electric scramblers for units based in northern peninsula, and the borders of Sabah and Sarawak. The cost of the e-bikes – the Surron Light Bee X – was some RM1.473 million.

Malaysian Defence also reported that the Army was looking to the e-bikes as the same machines were being considered for the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). The Procurement Division of the Home Ministry has on September 17 issued a 21-day tender for the supply and delivery of 100 All Terrain Tactical Assault E-bike .

Bomba officers taking a ride on the Surron e-bikes at DSA 2022.

Based on the specifications, they are looking for similar e-bikes bought by the Army. Apart from the e-bikes, the bidder must also supply off-road helmets, handle bags and riding gloves. A training programme for twenty policemen should also be part of the package.

Among the specifications sought:

Struktur rangka diperbuat daripada besi jenis aluminium alloy.
1.3 Bersifat kalis air (IP67)
1.4 Sesuai untuk beroperasi dalam pelbagai jenis permukaan, bentuk muka
bumi dan cuaca.
1.5 Mesra pengguna, ringan dan mudah untuk diselenggara.
1.6 Ukuran saiz adalah seperti berikut: • Panjang : 1,900mm – 2,200mm • Lebar
: 800mm – 850mm • Tinggi : 1,000mm – 1,300mm
1.7 Berat maksima bersama bateri tidak melebihi 120kg.
1.8 Mampu untuk menampung beban sekurang-kurangnya 80kg.
1.9 Mesra alam serta bebas daripada sebarang pelepasan asap
1.10 Mudah alih dan boleh diangkut dengan menggunakan 4WD dan bot
1.11 Dilengkapi dengan sistem suspensi yang mampu menahan hentakan
pelbagai jenis permukaan dan bentuk muka bumi.
1.12 Bingkai roda adalah dari jenis Wire-Spoke Wheels dengan ukuran saiz
minima 18inch.
1.13 Menggunakan tayar dari jenis off road dibahagian hadapan dan belakang.
1.14 Ketinggian ground clearance antara 250mm – 350mm
1.15 Wheelbase antara 1,250mm – 1,450mm
1.16 Ketinggian tempat duduk penunggang antara 800mm – 950mm.
1.17 Menggunakan Body Cover Set berwarna hitam.
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1.18 PERFORMANCE 1.18.1 Mampu untuk mencapai kelajuan maksima
sekurang-kurangnya 100km/h dalam mod penunggangan normal.
1.18.2 Kemampuan untuk mendaki sekurang-kurangnya 45sudut curam.
1.18.3 Mampu untuk mencapai jarak sekurang-kurangnya 100km

Aero Art displaying the Surron e-bike at DSA 2022. Aero Art.

For the full specifications, please check the Eperolehan website. The estimated price for the tender is RM2.5 million. If the estimate price was matched by the bidder, each e-bike (including the cost of the other items) will cost around RM25,000. This means that the police’s e-bikes will be cheaper by some RM8,000 than the Army ones.
Surron Light Bee X electric scrambler. Aero Art.

Will the Surron Light Bee X be the winning solution? Your guess is as good as mine. It is likely the police will also deploy their e-bikes for border operations.

— Malaysian Defence

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About Marhalim Abas 2352 Articles
Shah Alam


  1. “Mampu untuk mencapai jarak sekurang-kurangnya 100km”
    I wonder whats the actual true range of them in their usage, ie going up/down hills, revving to climb or trying unstuck in mud. A petrol based Kawasaki KLX 150BF has a rated 200Km range, so effectively double what these ebikes could do. And if they need a recharge, would it be practical to always carryon spare battery pack to swap for the trip back?

  2. To carry a spare battery is not practical especially this bikes battery is as long as its body x2 batteries per bike.most probably for long range patroling they will carry portable solar panel for charging the batteries.

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