SHAH ALAM: Defence Minister DS Khaled Nordin in his new year message today announced that RM12 billion has been allocated for the procurement of assets this year. Compare the amount to the 2025 budget. He said among the assets to be procured are 105mm howitzers (Army); surface to surface missiles for KD Jebat and three units of Medium Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial System (MALE UAS).
It is likely that the MALE UAS, he was referring to is the Turkish Aerospace Anka drones which had been contracted previously. This may also indicate that the three UAS will be delivered this year.
As for the 105mm guns, checks around with industry sources revealed that the procurement will involve two regiments. The Army currently operates one regiment of the KNDS LG1 Mark III howitzers (1 RAD attached with the 10th Para Brigade) and the Oto Melara 105mm pack howitzers (at least five to eight regiments worth of guns). A tender for the procurement of the howitzers is expected later this year.
It is likely that the 105mm contract will mean that the SPH and HMAV ones will not go ahead in the near future.
For the SSMs, will it be the latest version of the MBDA Exocet, the Block 3C? Checks with sources have not been fruitful, though. If they bought the latest version of the Exocet, it can also be used on Jebat’s sister ship, KD Lekiu and also the Kasturi class corvettes, KD Kasturi and KD Lekir. The last time we bought new Exocets was when the Kasturi class corvettes underwent their Service Life Extension Programme in mid-2000s.
Of course, they could cheapen out and just used the NSM already in storage in Lumut. The launchers are already with the Lumut Naval Shipyard as they were bought for the LCS. Funds are of course needed to integrate the NSM on the Jebat. It will be much cheaper -as it is already paid for and delivered – rather than buying a slew of brand new Exocets or Atmaca – for the sake of argument.
Khaled also revealed further developments on the LCS project saying that LCS1 is undergoing its harbour and sea acceptance tests. The ship has achieved 96.52 per cent completion so far. He further said tht LCS2, LCS3, and LCS4 are at 86.61 per cent, 76.60 per cent, and 65.05 per cent completed, respectively.
As for the LCS5 is approximately 48.72 per cent completed. Khalid added that LCS2 has been tested on water and is currently undergoing ‘Setting To Work’ part of the building process. LCS3 is in its final preparation for water trials, planned for January 2026.
Regarding the LMS Batch 2, three ships are expected to be around 13.8 per cent completed by June 2025.
For the Fighter Lead-In Trainer/Light Combat Aircraft (FLIT-LCA) FA-50, the first two planes out of 18 are expected to be received by October 2026.
Additionally, he added the two Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPAs) – contracted at LIMA 2023 – are expected to be received in June and September 2026.
*Updated to include the SPH and HMAV contracts.
— Malaysian Defence
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I dunno. probably cheaper to replace them with Atmaca as atmaca is supposedly even cheaper than Harpoon.
Glad that the LCS are progressing.
new missiles for KD Jebat?
No need lah. Just buy more NSM for the Gowinds…
I don’t think spending any money for Jebat is prudent. Just spend enough for it to operate as an OPV… By next year (2026) KD Maharaja Lela will be operational anyway with the NSM missile so why bother?
or better, allocate money for the Gowind air defence missiles (VL MICA-NG or whatever)
Why do we need 105mm howitzers when all our neighbors are bristling with 155mm howitzers?
Against non state actors the mortars will do just fine.
More 105mm howitzers for the army instead of other things is surprising.
So no new APCs and IFVs then?
Prioritising new 105mm howitzers for the army will not help to contribute much towards countering our current defence prime concerns. IMO the army should prioritise long range precision strikes (by long range artilleries or missiles), a capability that the army totaly lacks right now.
I believe the new 105s are to replace our pack howitzers but isnt that a regressive move to maintain this calibre for the regular arty? I can understand LG1 was meant for 10PARA which is a light mobility unit but it time we moved onto fully 155mm for the rest. Speaking of which what about the 155mm SPH, seems like no more news again. Its still EVA rite? Rite??
As for SSM, the LCSs are proceeding to completion, no point rob Peter to pay Paul at this stage. I would also question whether its wise to buy new expensive missiles for ships that will use for just 10 years. Would there be intention to move them onto the next new boats, if yes then I think worth buying sufficient quantities. Otherwise just a bare minimum enough for 2 boats for swapping onto whichever ship is going back out to sea.
I wish I could see large format of that MPA photo. I think I could see a bomb bay door but I cannot be sure from the pic above.
Yes Atmaca maybe cheaper, but we need to buy them and get it delivered, around two years lead time or less if Turkish loan us one live missile and training one plus the launchers from their stocks. Also need to pay for the integration process.
It is the same for the Exocets, but it is likely we can get one delivered quickly for integration – supposed to be quick.
Again the cheapest is the NSM, as its already paid for and already in Lumut together with the launchers and likely also training ones to familiarise themselves with the missiles. The only extra money needed is for integratation on the Jebat. It will also be a good exercise for RMN engineers ahead of doing the same thing for the LCS.
ATR-72 does not have any bomb bays. But it will have a fuselage – torpedo plyon just behind the front cabin doors
Another question why new SSM are not equipped on KD Kedah. Is there reason to change the SSM on KD jebat? Near expiring date? Plus what is news on SAM n LCS?
Good to know it appears it was the frontal panel of the underbelly module for the MPA. Interestingly this MPA did not have the nose sensors seen on the Turk MPA version.
CMIIW but wasnt these ships now using the Vibrant1 CMS, the one that couldnt integrate to fire missiles previously? Are they now fully functioning? (It must be so since the Govt are buying missiles for them rite).
Another minor note
Anything spent this year will be the last with the budget from Rancangan Malaysia ke 12 2021-2025 (RMK-12)
Anything new next year will be spendings from Rancangan Malaysia ke 13 2026-2030 (RMK-13) Plans.
Some of the things that i hope to see in RMK-13 for ATM
– Kuwaiti F/A-18 Hornets
– FA-50 batch 2
– ATR-72 MPA batch 2
– Turkiye Corvette batch 2
– Funds to complete the assembly of LCS Gowind Number 6
– Long range precision strike capability for Tentera Darat (precision fuse for 155mm shells, shore-based anti-ship missile batteries that could also be used to strike strategic ground targets)
– Intrim MERAD with used systems for RAD GAPU (my preference – ex-turkiye HAWK XXI systems)
– preliminary counter-UAS capability
– preliminary FPV-UAS attack capability
KD Jebat is the one with the Vibrant 1 CMS. No idea if it is good or not, but if it is truely good, it would have been specified for other ships as well.
IMO if we are going to go for a new CMS, either go for those already used by others, or if not, then please ask the developer to test it on non-operational ship. Probably can use KD Hang Tuah as a systems test ship, to see if it is usable operationally, not just theoretically.
Back on the Jebat, if the new AShM missile will require a new CMS to replace the Vibrant1, i would really prefer TLDM to just forget about it. I see no tangible returns for TLDM to plow big amounts of money into KD Jebat and KD Lekiu. Just use KD Jebat and KD Lekiu as is and pass it to APMM as OPV by 2030.
If there is no need of a new CMS to fire a new AShM for KD Jebat, then it should be any 2 of the future AShM for TLDM, either the NSM or ATMACA.
The army still has its need for 105mm howitzer beyond the use for para unit. It’s light, the ammunition is cheaper and lighter than 155mm and considering our soldiers’ physique it’s less strenuous to them especially on sustained fire. Especially with LG1 with superior range, which makes it even more flexible than the older pack howitzer
Doesn’t means we have replace the older pack howitzer on 1 to 1 basis. Unlike the good old days where we have couple hundreds of pack howitzer and ~22 FH70, now we have G5, Astros and even the upcoming SPH.
” LG1 with superior range ”
It has, at most 17km range with special base-bled rounds. around 11km with normal rounds
Cheap way to get “LG1” but at low costs is to do like what Royal Thai Army has done. Old M101 howitzer (that countries like South Korea has thousands in storage and service) rebuilt with LG1 barrels
Current artillery trend is going towards precision long range targeting. With almost “sniper-like” precision. 155mm howitzers firing 1 shell to 30-40km at 1 specific house, or 1 machine-gun nest. “sustained fire” is no longer an important criteria to be fulfilled. 155mm shell fitted with “smart fuse” can have a CEP of less than 10m at all ranges.
I think one day we have to learn the hard way, being outgunned by our neighbour in a border skirmish. Something the Thai Army learnt during a short skirmish with the Lao Army.
We did learn the hard way in 2013 at Lahad Datu and Semporna. But the lessons and sacrifices were easily forgotten and as usual the industry that got the most benefit. Examples? The coastal radars which were retired less than 10 years and the MD530G LSAH. RHIBs as the main mode of sea control/transport.
>LG1 range
can the old pack howitzer fire BB round tho?
>M101 upgrade
>yeah no. Both RTA and ROKA have built their light artillery around M101 as both of them operates M101 for decades it would make sense for them to upgrade their M101 to squeeze couple more decades worth of these guns. It’s not dissimilar to other countries (especially ex soviet ones) who upgraded their soviet 130mm and 152mm gun with 155mm gun to be more aligned to the west on the cheap
We don’t have hundreds of M101 and our M101/102 are either museum pieces or used as ceremonial fun. What’s exactly the point in buying M101, upgrade them (which is more than rebarreling the gun) instead of just buy more LG1?
The army pretty much wanted to upgrade to LG1 so let’s just go with LG1.
We are supposedly to have an army that is adept at conventional warfare.
But our artillery units, the king of the battlefield are mostly adequate to fight irregular non state actors like communists and abu sayafs.
And yet we are buying more 105mm howitzers, instead of things that matters such as the M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK).
We bought the most expensive, advanced and bespoke version of the little bird but we can only shoot its weapons “pakai niat” using just mk1 eyeball because we did not buy the most important thing for that helicopter, the Thales Scorpion helmet mounted sight!
>2013 LD
You mean the SB flunked raid on semporna water village where they went guns blazing when the other guy had rifles and the cops only armed with pistols?
Also we already strengthened the east coast with permanent battalion sized PGA camp in Beluran, Sandakan and LD and the establishment of brigade sized army camp in felda Sahabat. If we want to do more maybe it’s high time to have an airbase in east coast where we can park MPA, ISR aircraft and MALE UAVs on regular basis)
huubalang, then what’s the point of advocating those M101 then?
>And yet we are buying more 105mm howitzers, instead of things that matters such as the M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK).
>implying getting more 105mm gun will affect PGK acquisition (or the lack thereof)
This, people, is what we call “strawman fallacy”
I think we did learn some important lesson from LD, after all ESSCOM has been a permanent fixture to date and were setting more bases in East MY.
” can the old pack howitzer fire BB round tho? ”
No, but is it a must have for an additional 5km range?
“What’s exactly the point in buying M101, upgrade them (which is more than rebarreling the gun) instead of just buy more LG1?”
The point? To not mindlessly spend tons of money to get a measly additional 5km range and use those money to get something like M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) for our 155mm howitzers (that would give a bigger battlefield effect in the grand scheme of things) instead???
cost of 1x LG1 can probably get 4x upgraded M101 (if we get base M101 for free from South Korea for example & just pay for the upgrades)
Buy new LG1 is better compared to that new M101 upgrade. Why? Army wants more of it, it already exist in the whole current “wicked” procument-sustainment system (no need start from zero),govt want put money for it.
Then afaik the system is “allergic” to “not very free 2nd hand item”.
They are not allergic to even free second hand item. It is just that no one wants to bat for these stuff as no one will make money out of it.
Arty is about range and impact. If your opponents 155mm outranges your 105mm you lose half that equation. Again I question the benefits in conventional arty usage. Our neighbours not only moved towards 155mm but also to the SPH variety so speed of mobility and setup time/complexity would be comparable to a towed 105. Then the benefit left for a smaller calibre would be the loading crew will be lesser fatigued particularly those smaller ie Asian build. But again some 155 SPH has auto/semi-auto loading features negating even that perceived advantage.
One could argue about cheaper acquisition cost of the system and ammo vs 155mm but are we that poor that we couldnt afford a heavier calibre?
Personally I think to buy this 105 is flawed and should actually be focusing on getting the 155 SPH moreso it has been such convoluted and long running. Moving forward as we mechanised our infantry, we should be looking convert all our 105 pack howitzer team to running 155 SPH + target spotting drones as I believe in future warfare, such guns could be autonomously slewed by the targeting drone program without the need for humans and the only left for us to do is load the round, confirm the target and fire.
Could there be a connection between the recently signed 28 helicopter deal and the so called deferment of SPH, HMAV contracts execution?
AFAIK none apart from the SPH was supposed to go to the company from the same group that got the leasing contract.
MKE Boran 105mm air transportable howitzer…Turkiye
All modern 105mm howitzers are air-transportable and slung loaded on the appropriate rotary platforms. Unfortunately, if the Army really gets the leased AW149 helicopters, they cannot slung load it.
” Unfortunately, if the Army really gets the leased AW149 helicopters, they cannot slung load it ”
The latest plans seems to have those 12x AW149 not with PUTD, but now with TUDM for the CSAR requirements. A blessing or curse in disguise?
“to go to the company from the same group”
From the light trucks, to FFR, to billion $$ chopper lease, to the multi-spanar’ed SPH buy, this group is becoming a super mega crony for defence matters.
“All modern 105mm howitzers are air-transportable”
Same goes for 155mm arty to an extent unless it means being underslung from chopper. (tho technically one could say SG 155mm ultralight arty is air portable from heavies ie Chinook & Pave Low)
“if the Army really gets the leased AW149 helicopters, they cannot slung load it.”
Id be surprised they agree to go with it if such is that important. Then again perhaps doctrine has changed and we no longer need to haul light arty into remote forest to bombard Communist positions.
Yes, I know currently its RMAF only but as PUTD also requires utility helicopters, what do you think it will be? Mi-8?
” Yes, I know currently its RMAF only but as PUTD also requires utility helicopters, what do you think it will be? Mi-8? ”
even if it is a wishful thinking, there is still chance for used blackhawk either EDA or outright buy…
As it stands now it will be AW149
“still chance for used blackhawk either EDA or outright buy…”
Hell stands a better chance to freeze first no thanks to that failed lease deal. If I were cynical I suspect it was planned to fail to give that super mega crony the deal.
Yes maybe 105mm is not really relevant anymore nowadays but i rather have them rather than nothing..sure td want more 155mm/sph but that old pack howitzers need replacing too..but seriously that sph must be a priority for td for some time now and govt must give that to them
” rather have them rather than nothing ”
We still have those 105mm L5 pack howitzers, and from the latest audit a few years ago, we have 127 pieces of them still operational.
Rather than recapitalising a capability that is not even very relevant in future conventional warfare scenarios, I prefer the meagre army CAPEEX budget be used to acquire capabilities that we do not have – long range precision fires.
We dont have a lot of budget, we cant be spending lotsa money on getting cutting edge novel tech in bits of quantity just so we can claim “we have that capability”. Rather than spending the money for a single LRPF unit, I prefer we use the same amount to get 2-3 batteries of proven 155mm arties. This will give more impact (literally!) on the battlefield.
As for pack howitzers, since we has so many its better to run them down til retirement and I prefer each unit will then transition to 155mm arty either towed or SPH.
long range precision fires is not a “unit”
it is a “capability”
How to have that “capability”?
By getting “systems” that can “enable” LRPF
“systems” such as M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK), fitted on ordinary 155mm artillery shells, fired by any 155mm howitzers. For the cost of those LG1 105mm howitzers, we can afford multiple thousands of M1156 Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) fuses.
Latest batch of M1156 PGK has shown CEP of less than 10m. German Army test in Sept 2014 using PZH2000 SPH from a distance of 27 km (17 mi) – 90 percent of the PGK-equipped German shells landed within 5 meters of the target.
That capability includes :
– precision fires from 155mm howitzers
– long range missiles (should be capable of attacking both maritime and land targets)
As for additional 155mm howitzers.
i have long proposed Tentera Darat to approach Qatari Army for their retired 12x Denel G5 155mm howitzers. Adding these will easily increase our total G5 quantity to 40 units, enough for 2 regiments.
We could also request South African Army to sell some of theirs that is in storage. Cash-strapped SA Army would gladly sell us some in exchange of cash.
IMO we need at least 4 regiments of 155mm howitzers, 2 each in west and east malaysia.
How much does the M1156 PGK cost?
In August 2024 Finland bought some 5,500 M1156A1 Precision Guidance Kits, costing USD70mil (RM315mil)
Forgive me for my obtuse question:
Does it mean we won’t be getting any SPH with mounted 105mm or 155mm guns? The Turkish Tulpar or CV90 comes to mind…
Not at the moment.
“we can afford multiple thousands of M1156”
And for that cost, how many more batteries of 155mm arty could we buy equip with “dumb” rounds? The problem with getting retired units if the electronics are still in workable condition and likely the gun barrels will need changing. If were to replace both, the cost might as well buy new as it comes with warranty & support too. You buy used nobody will give you support.
“getting any SPH with mounted 105mm or 155mm guns?”
The intent has always been getting 155mm SPH, the question is; which one?